Your Password (and Life) Reset

Your Password (and Life) Reset

Could Your Password Change Your Life?

Yes!  As we reflect on the lessons learned from the past few years, we can use them to get clear on what we want most going forward.  The key to getting what we want is to focus on it.  This can be done with visual reminders, calendar reminders, apps, or an accountability partner.  One really easy, practical way:  Make your password reflect your goals!  

What you focus on grows

I have utilized my passwords to reflect my dreams and goals for 3 years now.  I type my password in multiple times per day, every day, as I am sure most of you do.  Talk about a consistent reminder!   And so practical and easy.

So did it really change my life?  Yes!  Each one has come to fruition, although in ways that I could not have predicted.  

We get what we put out into the world.  If we continue to think and talk about what we are doing, we get more of what we are currently doing. 

Worse yet, if we complain about what we don't like, we get more of that too :(

But when we talk about our dreams and goals on a consistent basis, opportunities open up and we start to notice how we can get closer to what we REALLY want.

It is all a matter of focus. 

Example:  Right now, scan the room you are in for 15 seconds.  What jumps out at you?

Now focus on the color blue.  Re-scan the room for 15 seconds.  What do you notice now?  My guess is that the blue items became more obvious. 

This is how life works.  If you focus on your dreams and goals, you start to notice the opportunities and places where you can work towards them.  But if you just float through life, it is too easy to overlook those same opportunities.

What you focus on grows.

I used to set my password to a favorite animal with a symbol and number so that I could appease my IT folks and remember it.  But typing in "Penguin 123&" wasn't doing anything for me.  It wasn't hurting me of course, but it wasn't helping me either.

In 2019 I used a password similar to "TropicalLife#2020".  (I can't share the actual pw with you because that is an IT no-no!)  I typed it in everyday, multiple times per day. 

I set that password pre-Covid and the reality of me living in a tropical location was as far-fetched as I could imagine, as my family and I lived and worked in NJ.

But it was my dream so I used it as my password.  If nothing else, it was easy for me to remember.

Covid opened the opportunity for remote work, the chance to rent and experiment on a tropical island during 2020, and brought us to the realization that we could relocate there, which we did in 2021.   

In 2021 I changed my password to one of my health goals, and without a significant amount of effort, I reached that goal by the end of 2021!

And in 2022 I changed my password to "EasyFlow2022&" (Again, not exactly, but you get the point), and although 2022 has been quite unpredictable for me, I have sustained a flow to life that I never experienced before.

When Hurricane Ian hit in Sept, we had to temporarily relocate off of our island dream and into Naples, where yoga studios are more convenient and accessible.  Amidst the crisis, I have found a love for my new yoga flow and it has inspired me to become yoga certified in 2023.

I was also able to "flow" through several other difficult paradoxes in my life and relationships by focusing on the flow of back and forth, instead of drawing lines in the sand or utilizing black-and-white thinking (a known distortion which leads us to more stress and less productivity).

Pandemics and natural disasters aren't quite what I was hoping for.  Yet, in the interesting and unpredictable way the universe works, it brought me my dreams.  

I put it out there and it happened!  Did these things happen effortlessly?  No.  I had to put in the work of renting, relocating, opening myself up for health analysis, and seek out ways of healing (which for me was finding this yoga studio).

But the opportunities were obvious to me because I had been subconsciously internalizing my dreams everyday - just by typing in my password!  And quite frankly, the opportunities would not have presented themselves if it wasn't for these events that no one would hope for.

THIS WORKS!  So think of what you really want, and set your password to match it.  Think about your goal or dream, and then add in the symbols and numbers to make your IT folks happy :)
*And don't be afraid - I promise not all of your dreams have to come from a disaster!

Quick tip:  Use words that express what you want, not what you don't want.  For example, if you want to be debt-free by December 2023, don't use "debtfree$Dec23".  Instead use "FinancialFreedom$12-23".  The more you type "debt", the more you attract it (even if you are typing debtfree).  The more you type "financial freedom", the more you will attract your debt-free life.

So go ahead - secure your devices and sites, make your IT people happy by changing your password, and make your dreams come true by using your goals and dreams as a guide! 

Cheers to your dreams coming true,

Let's Reach Your Goals

Your dreams can become your reality.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  I will help you define what a successful life looks like and build the habits and resources needed to achieve it.  Clearly, it takes more than just resetting your password, and my personalized support will exponentially increase your success.

I provide 1:1 coaching and workshops for organizations to help others reduce stress, remove obstacles, set healthy boundaries, and increase joy in order to reach their goals.  Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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