Find Your Labor of Love

Find Your Labor of Love

What is your Labor of Love?

Labor of Love = productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation. 

Or said another way, something you are willing to work hard at without being paid for.  As we celebrate Labor Day Weekend here in the US, take a moment to think through all of your labors of love, and clarify whether you are taking them on willingly, or because you feel obligated.  

Fulfillment is a Good Enough Reason

I don't like the word "productive" in the definition above.  When I think of a labor of love, I think of things that take effort, but don't necessarily need to be productive.

Our society is so obsessed with productivity.  Machines are meant to be measured on productivity.  Humans are not.

Our purpose on this earth is so much more than being productive.  Our humanity demands that we hold space for joy, connection, learning, spirituality, empathy, community, fulfillment, and just BEING. 

We are, in fact, human BEINGS, not human DOINGs.

Our humanity is messy, iterative, and can create both the depths of despair and the highest heights of happiness. 

We are meant to take on labors of love, as well as labors that produce resources (money, food, etc.)  Finding the right mix of these types of labors is key to feeling successful and fulfilled.

I urge you to find one thing to do this weekend just because it makes you feel good.  Not because it is productive, not because it is expected, not because it contributes to some future goal.  

Do something that fulfills you just because it fulfills you, and for no other reason than that.

And see how it feels.  Feel the energy.  Feel the aliveness.  Be in the moment and (as Nike so accurately says), Just Do It!

It may not even meet the definition of a labor of love.  Maybe there is almost no effort required.  That's ok - do it anyway.

Let it refuel you, let it light that spark that has gone dark, let it lift your spirits so when you return to your paid labor, you can take it on with more ease and less stress.

And for those labors of love that you have (those hobbies you hold dear, the relative you care for out of love, the writings that help clear your head, the new habit that is improving your life), evaluate if they are still working for you.

If you do them willingly - then they probably are.  If you feel obligated more times than not, then re-evaluate your WHY, and adjust as necessary.

My latest "labor of love"...........Salsa Dance Team.  Yes, you read that right.  Me, who has not taken choreographed dance lessons since sixth grade, joined a salsa dance team.

As a business owner, mom, wife, and busy woman - nothing about this choice makes rational sense.  And yet, I absolutely LOVE it so far!

I move my body to music with other people, all of us trying to do it in unison, laughing through our frustrations together and making progress.

It is hard for me.  I am not the best, I might actually be the worst.  But I'm doing it anyway.   I'm showing up every week, practicing in between, and enjoying it.

Why?  Because I want to.  There is no other reason. 

I can create some reasons - to show my kids what it looks like to push through doubt and fear and do it anyway, to burn more calories, to improve my coordination - and all of these are true consequential benefits that are coming out of it.

But the real reason I signed up is because I wanted to.  Period.  End of story.

In a world where we constantly do what everyone tells us we SHOULD do, I am asking you to find something to do because you WANT to.

You deserve to enjoy this life you are working so hard for!  

This Labor Day weekend, find your labor of love and make time for it.  Send me your labor of love via email, I would love to hear what my amazing network is taking on!

Cheers to your labor of love,

PS - I will record my final performance and find the guts to share it in the future.  Until then, please laugh out loud at the image of me flailing my body around a dance studio, half laughing and half feeling insane for signing up for this, reliving the joy of my childhood for no other reason than because I want to :)

Find What You Love

Defining (and untangling) what you really want in life takes time and focus, which are both hard to come by these days.  I can help you get clear on what you REALLY want and remove the obstacles in your way.  The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.

We can decide what next best step will help you get closer to the life you really want (instead of the life you think you are supposed to be living).  I will leave you with one concrete action that you can take following the call.  And if you are still craving support on what living your life NOW means for you, we can discuss coaching options.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too.

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