The Power of Planting Seeds

The Power of Planting Seeds

The Power of Planting Seeds

You can't rush time.  Things take time to grow, but instead of feeling impatient, frustrated, or ineffective, we can find the power in small actions.  Planting a seed in the direction of your goals, however small, is the start to what will come in time.  But knowing that most of you are interested in personal and career success more than planting a garden, let's get into some practical examples.

The First Step

Fact:  Most people don't like to be told what to do or be surprised by big change.  It makes them feel uneasy, unsafe, and/or threatened.

One of the most effective leaders I've had was a master at planting seeds and letting them organically grow into the successful outcomes he imagined.

His way of being was opposite of the loud, take-charge, "let's get it done now" type of leader that I had traditionally seen as successful.  Those loud, take-charge leaders had a presence but not always much respect from their teams.  And many times, the loud, demanding energy that started a project waned, leaving a lot of exhaustion, resentment and confusion as the project progressed.

In the end, many times the project wasn't done as well as it could have been or caused retention issues along the way.

But my leader who was good at planting seeds saw it another way.  He had a vision and he shared possible solutions in an open, curious way.  He often started with questions such as:

  • If your team was combined with another, what synergies or difficulties would exist?

  • What are the strengths you see in this project?

  • How would you reorganize this group?

  • How would you solve this problem?

He would ask these questions to the entire team, one by one, and have us all thinking about what was possible BEFORE any actual change or project was initiated.

He planted seeds in all of us about what was possible, as well as listened to our feedback and thoughts.  When a reorganization or project kicked off six months later, none of us were surprised or alarmed. 

We had time to ponder what it could look like, we gave input without knowing it was going to be a reality, and in general, we were more "ok" with it.  It didn't mean everyone on the team loved the new shift or outcome, but it was so much easier to get on board because the seed of the idea had time to germinate and grow in each of our minds.

It had time to shift from a vulnerable little seed into a thriving, stronger plant with deeper roots.

The result?  I felt I could trust him.  I felt that he wouldn't make a move that was half-baked.  And I felt I could accept the changes even when they weren't what I ultimately wanted because my thoughts and feelings had time to process before the change was announced (many times without me realizing that was happening).

This is one example of thousands that you can start implementing today.  Even if the idea you are thinking feels improbable or far away, planting seeds today will help your future.

This may look like asking for a different work structure, bringing up a bold idea, or asking about what is possible around a particular initiative.  Initial reactions may not be positive, but the seed has been planted.

And similar to nature, it is impossible to see a planted seed.  It takes TIME to grow and become visible above the soil.  So give it what it needs - water, sun, protection, and time.  

Plant your seeds with care, keeping a mindset of openness and curiosity.  Be open to feedback and give others time to come back with ideas.  I am always amazed at how an initial idea can grow into something so much better once more knowledge and perspective are added.

This works as much in your personal life as professional.  Telling someone what to do can backfire.  Planting a seed and allowing that person to come to their own conclusions around it can make it seem like it was their idea!

But this only works if you are 1) patient and 2) not obsessed with getting the credit.  Getting the credit for an idea is ego-driven behavior.  And while not negative in all instances, it is a driving force behind why many people, especially in corporate, don't plant seeds.

I am all about giving credit where credit is due.  If you have a fabulous idea, you can keep it to yourself until the unveiling, get all the credit, and then deal with the drama of all of those not on board.

Or you can plant seeds about that fabulous idea, take input, give it time to grow, and then still make it known that it was your idea once it takes hold.

The first is faster and flashier, the second is stable and sustainable.

People like fast.  People like flashy.  But no one likes what's left after the flash fades.  It creates more drama than it is worth.

This methodology takes practice because it is harder to measure in the short-term.  But as the quote states:  "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Don't underestimate the power of planting seeds.  I have seen remote work agreements that were initially declined get resurrected and approved 12 months later.  I have seen leaders embrace an idea 6 months after their first no to the same concept.  I have had friends join me in activities several months after laughing at my first suggestion of it.

I have seen partners get on the same page after an initial disagreement on financial decisions.  I have seen parents come around to their children's sexual preferences even if they were appalled at first.  I have seen volunteers make a larger impact a year after they first suggested their idea to their non-profit.  I have seen children come around to eating vegetables (many months) after being told it makes them stronger athletes (true story!)

While it may not feel like the progress you want to see, planting a seed is a beginning.  In many cases, planting the seed is the best way to achieve a successful outcome.

So think of something big and bold that you want.  Think of the smaller steps that can get you there and start dropping those hints, making those requests, and having those conversations.

Start researching, exploring, and finding others with similar passions. 

Take one small step today that feeds your future.

It make take some time and patience, as all good things in life usually do :)

Happy Planting!

Cheers to your beautiful garden,

Let's Create Your Beautiful Garden

Your dreams can become your reality.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  I will help you define what a successful life looks like and build the habits and resources needed to achieve it.  You have everything you need inside you, and I can provide the personalized support to exponentially increase your success.

I provide 1:1 coaching and workshops for organizations to help others reduce stress, remove obstacles, set healthy boundaries, and increase joy in order to reach their goals.  Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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