Frequently Asked Questions


What is Coaching?

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.  

All Inclusive You, LLC is focused on helping corporate and professional working women find their balance, so they can excel in all aspects of life, including career and family.  

Coaching was originally only available to professional athletes and C-Suite executives.  All Inclusive You, LLC utilizes the same techniques to allow you to become the best version of yourself.

What can I expect during the 30 minute strategy session?

This call or video session (whatever is most convenient for you) is a way for me to better understand what you want out of your life, and the best way to start getting you where you want to be. I will ask you questions for the first half or more of the call, and based on your responses, we will jointly decide if working together going forward is in your best interest.

This call is free, and is meant to help you. No high-pressure sale, no guilt laden speech from me if you choose not to move forward with coaching sessions.

How do coaching sessions work?

The sessions are led by you and what you are looking to get out of them.  I ask the (sometimes tough) questions, and based on your answers, we find ways to find your unique balance. 

 Every woman is different, and you know yourself best.  I help you bring your best self forward, and empower the woman inside of you to do the work.  Together we raise your awareness of what you want in life and elicit intentional habit change for sustainable success by removing/reducing the things that impede your success.  

What about confidentiality?

I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client information. We will have a clear agreement between yourself (the client) and me (the coach) outlining how information will be exchanged between us.

I am SO busy - how can I find time for coaching sessions?

I know you are busy, so I make myself available when you are. Generally, we will Video Chat or talk via phone for our sessions which allows us to schedule them during your lunch hour, on your drive home, or in the evening after the kids have gone to bed. No time wasted driving to see me.

If you are local, we could meet in person if it works for you and your schedule allows. I'm asking you to focus on yourself for an hour at a time. You are worth it, and I know you can find the time now to improve your life going forward.

How long will we work together?

We will work together as long as we both agree that you are benefiting from the coaching. We will agree upon the number and frequency of the sessions prior to our first coaching session.

There is no perfect number of sessions, however it takes time and consistency, along with accountability and encouragement, to make true sustainable change. Based on where you are and where you want to be, we will commit to a schedule and time frame that works best for you.