Your NOT To Do List

Your NOT To Do List

What NOT To Do

There are only 30-40 workdays left in this year (depending on how many days you take off for the holidays).  It isn't all going to get done - so instead of looking at your list and stressing about it - get REAL about it.  Start crossing stuff off and making your Not-To-Do list.  And not just for work - in your personal life too.


These last two months of the year are always packed, causing stress as we look at our long to-do lists.  It is time to create our Not-To-Do lists to ease stress and make the end of year more realistic.

For work - what is the main priority?  What meetings do you need to have, who do you need buy-in from, what needs to be delivered?  Get clarity and then look at your calendar.  Decline meetings that aren't relevant, have realistic conversations with your manager about what will shift to early next year, and ensure you and your teams are hyper-focused on the critical items ONLY.

No one likes to "not get it done".  I know this.  But it isn't all going to get done, it just isn't.  So you either leave it on your list stressing you each day you see it, or you cross stuff off now and reclaim your focus and peace.

In your personal life the Not-To-Do list is SO important!  You don't need to attend each event, each party, each interesting thing you see on social.  You don't have to create handmade crafts for teachers or make the most extravagant recipe for Aunt Milly's holiday party.  

Start listing out the things that drain you each year and CROSS THEM OFF!  Will people be disappointed?  Maybe.

But why is their happiness more important than yours?  

Really think about that question.  Why is it so important for everyone else to get what they want at the expense of your own joy?  Isn't your joy important too?

YES.  Your joy IS important, and it is YOUR responsibility to claim it.  And the only way I know how to claim joy is to do less.  

Yes, still do the things that make you smile and feel good.  Make time for the meaningful people in your life, share good food, make memories, and take care of yourself.

But all of the buying, rushing around, burning the candle at both ends so that we can say we did it - for what?

My Not-To-Do list for the end of this year includes:
*Saying yes to events that don't light me up
*Replying to RFP requests for organizations I am lukewarm about supporting
*Starting new courses/trainings (I am always so curious to learn more, but I need space and time for myself and my family)
*Buying new clothes for the holidays - I have enough
*Cooking for the holidays - store bought is fine, going out to eat is even better (we have only a few relatives near us at the moment)
*Creative gift giving - all teachers get gift cards, husband is adult enough to pick out his own, and my boys don't need much and will get what they put on their list.  Does this make me a scrooge?  Maybe.  But the mental energy it takes to figure out what others want isn't in me this year.  I prefer experiences so I'll take people out to eat or to an event.

My To Do list includes focusing on my existing clients, my children's mental and physical health, meditation, yoga, and rest.  Literally I am prioritizing these things first, before anything else.  And if that makes someone like me less come January, so be it!  I'll have more space in 2024.

Spend a few minutes relentlessly clearing your schedule, deciding where to say no, and creating your amazing Not-To-Do list.  If you feel like sharing, please email it to me, I love to see what others are willing to say no to and I can help keep you accountable :) 

Cheers to NOT doing,

Finishing the Year with Ease

It is time to prioritize YOU.  You deserve a life you love with less stress and more joy.  I can help you gain clarity on how to enjoy life AND succeed, and the tools you need to make it happen.  Whether it is to better enjoy the present moment or to set yourself up for success going forward, I offer clarity sessions, consistent support, and accountability through several options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide what's best for you.  

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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