What Would Make Today GREAT?

What Would Make Today GREAT?

Make Today (and Tomorrow) Great

Instead of a To-Do list, how about making a "What-would-make-today great" list?  Imagine prioritizing what would make you feel happy and energized instead of only doing what everyone else is expecting of you?  I received this tip from the amazing women at Inspired Elephant and I want to share it with you......

But How Can I Make Today Great?

I can't take credit for these great tips, but I want to share them!  The full article from Inspired Elephant is HERE

Read it and subscribe to their newsletter if it resonates.  Carolyn and Cher, the Inspired Elephant founders, are women I admire and am happy to call friends.  Fun Fact:  I originally thought of them as competition when I started my coaching business - only to realize the things that make my life great are 1) a sense of community and 2) connection, and these women create and support that in everything they do.

So how can you make today great?  Here are seven tips to help you get started:

  1. Begin with the end goal in mind. Imagine it, feel it, visualize it. Tasks quickly become chores if you don't remember that it's a step bringing you closer to your dream, whatever that may be.

  2. Remember your WHY. I bet half the tasks would fall off your to-do list if you ask yourself, "Now, why am I doing this again? Is it important?".

  3. Take action. If something is worrying you, take action … one little step can do a lot to minimize anxiety and stress. Letting it hang over your head will stress you and get you nowhere.

  4. Do less. Do you have a packed schedule today? Cut it down. Ask yourself what can wait till tomorrow or even next week. Better yet, ask yourself what you can delegate. You're welcome.

  5. Get one important thing done. I mean something meaningful that will significantly impact your life over the long run. Here's why: If you do one thing that will help you in the long run (even if it's only a baby step), you will feel a huge sense of accomplishment that will carry you through the rest of your day. Far better than ticking off a lengthy list of chores!

  6. Go for a walk. Movement, fresh air, and being in nature are the key elements in creating the magical elixir that calms your mood and helps clear your head.

  7. Listen to great music. Whatever your jam is, playing tunes in the background can brighten your mood and make any task seem less daunting.

For me - making today great means leaning into the things that bring me joy.  Being outdoors, yoga, hearing my kids laughing, bike riding, listening to music, helping others reach their goals, and connecting with others are some of my ingredients for a great day.

I can't fit them all in everyday, but I can always find time for one or more if I am INTENTIONAL.  And that is what this comes down to.  

You are either intentionally choosing to do things that make your day great, or intentionally choosing to stay busy completing your To-Do list of not-so-great things.  Some of those things need to get done.  Many of them can be delegated or taken off.  

Remember:  Busy doesn't equal productive.  And it definitely doesn't equal fulfillment.  

So what do you choose today?

The bigger, scarier question - what would make your upcoming holiday GREAT?  

Whoa.... that may be overstepping the realms of possibility, right?

But it doesn't have to be.  Take the same approach as above - figure out what is most important to you, the bigger picture feelings and impact you want to create, and then let go of everything that isn't that.

If your unavoidable relatives are part of what make your holiday not-so-great, come up with strategies to limit their impact on you.  If the stress of perfect preparations is killing your joy, delegate it or let some of it go.

I establish boundaries, limit time with certain relatives, and remind myself that everyone is coming with their own set of history, expectations, and experiences. 

Their actions are a reflection of them, my actions are a reflection of me. 

If they don't like something, that is on them.  I am not responsible for their feelings.  If I don't like something, I have a choice to either stay, leave, or ask for what I want.  It may not be met, but I can feel good about standing up for my own needs.

You have the power to make today GREAT!

Intentionally decide what will make today and your holiday great and prioritize as much of that as you can!  And trust me, you can :)

Cheers to a GREAT day,

Want More Great Days?

There is more to life than your To-Do list. Define what a fulfilling life looks like for you so you can take action and have more GREAT days! I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including great holidays).

I provide 1:1 coaching and workshops for organizations to help you reduce stress, remove obstacles, set healthy boundaries, and increase joy in order to reach your goals. Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck. I've helped so many people reclaim their life. I can help you too.

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