Celebrate TODAY!

Celebrate TODAY!

It is time to celebrate!

What if we just celebrate what we have, right now, TODAY?  It is International Women's Day, and as a coach who focuses on supporting women, I wanted to have a factual and well thought out tribute.  But I'm not feeling a prescribed message so I'm writing from my heart instead.  I want more FUN and CONNECTION in my life.  I want to celebrate and enjoy THIS MOMENT instead of having to look back to all of women's (amazing as it is) history and having to look forward to the huge climb women still have towards equity.


What about you?  Are you also tired of constantly reflecting on the past and planning for the future?

What if we collectively looked at ourselves and celebrated everything we have TODAY?

What if we sat in gratitude for our bodies that carry us around, our sometimes annoying yet also helpful families, our stressful but income producing jobs, our ability to make choices even if we aren't making the best choices right now, and our endless ability to learn and grow, even if we aren't actively doing it right now?

What if we celebrated how far we have come instead of solely focusing on how far we still have to go?

Most of our suffering is by our own hand.  We set unrealistic expectations (influenced by our family and society) and then feel the pain, shame, and disappointment when we fall short.

We aspire to great, amazing things and we do great, amazing things.  But instead of celebrating every step along the way, we berate ourselves, stress, eventually get to the goal, smile for 5 minutes, and then revert to planning, driving, and stressing.

I don't think the women before us fought for our rights so we could torture ourselves.

I believe our freedom, honor, and joy rests in our ability to truly love ourselves and the space we are in right now, however messy and unfinished that is.

I believe we deserve to laugh, have fun, and let go of the weight of the world for a bit.  We deserve to feel the sunlight on our face and smile so big you can see it in our eyes.

I believe that on this International Women's Day, we should celebrate wherever we are without worrying about where we think we "should" be.  

At least that is what I'm telling myself.  I'm letting go of the expectation of the perfect message to wrap this up and go have fun in the moment.  I'm letting myself connect with those around me, help a bit if I can, and believe that I'm enough even if I'm not doing much of anything.

I'm giving you permission to do the same.

Whatever is weighing on you, it will be there tomorrow.  For now, put it on a shelf.  Let it go. Let it be.  And just BE HERE NOW.

No expectations.  Just be the amazing person you are and do whatever makes you happy to celebrate YOU.  Have fun!  And if you aren't in a space where fun feels possible, then have whatever feeling you are having.

I am so grateful for the amazing humans in my life.  I am surrounded by unbelievably strong, smart, empathetic, driven, funny, grounded, and loving women (and some men).  

This International Women's Day, I am celebrating all of these amazing people in my life.  I am celebrating YOU.  

We can pick up the hard work again soon, when we decide we're ready.  It will always be there.  And we will keep going, we always do.

For now, let's celebrate today.

Cheers to celebrating,

PS - This year's IWD theme is Inspire Inclusion, and also Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.  Both of these themes, inclusion and investing in women, are near and dear to my heart.  We need more of both.  But first and foremost, we must practice inclusion and investing in OURSELVES.  We must INCLUDE and accept all parts of who we are, not just the parts we want the world to see.  We must INVEST in our health, peace, and growth.  When we do this for ourselves, we can share it with others.  

Invest in YOU

Are you clear on what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, I can help you figure it out and create a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life.  Together we can create a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm. 

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss where you are and what you want by CLICKING HERE.   I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms. 

Whether it is this one call, a Life Vision Intensive, ongoing coaching, or a workshop to bring into your organization - I meet you where you are to help you get where you want to go.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

Get Back to What You Love

Get Back to What You Love

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