Make Your Weekend Work For You

Make Your Weekend Work For You

Make Your Weekend Work For You

How often have you gone into a long weekend with excitement but finished it feeling tired, disappointed, or blah?  You can make the most out of your weekend without having to over-plan.  Instead of trying to fit it all in or making zero plans and feeling unfulfilled - take an intentional approach to fulfilling your desires.

What makes you happy?

By desires, I mean "What makes you happy?"

"What fills your bucket?"

"What makes you smile and feel fulfilled?"

"What is your mind and body asking for right now?"

Answer these questions for yourself and then find ways to incorporate the answers into this weekend.

A current client reflected on her recent vacation and categorized the week of activities into buckets of fulfillment.  It wasn't planned that way, but upon reflection, she realized that she had fit in some self-care, adventure, time in nature, connection with family and friends, fun, and some retail therapy :)

You can head into the weekend with your list of fulfilling/rejuvenating activities, and then recognize when the opportunities present themselves. 

As an example, let's say you really want some rest, a good laugh, and some time outdoors.  You can plan things that align with these ideas or let those around you know, prompting them to share ideas that align with your desires.

Knowing what you want most out of the weekend also helps you say no to the things that will get in the way.  If your friend invites you to the movies and an indoor art festival, it is easy to see those activities don't meet your current desires, even if it's something you might have said yes to another time.

We all work hard, and Labor Day weekend is meant to honor those in the workforce.  You deserve time to refill your bucket. This weekend is for YOU!

So make sure your weekend doesn't drain you!  It is so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing, inviting you to, and implying what you "should" be doing.

Maybe you want to attend several parties because connection, fun, and some drinks are on your list - then do it!  Maybe a low key weekend with your immediate family that includes naps and some swimming will fulfill your desire for rest and presence with family.

Maybe you are missing connection but don't have anything specific planned - call up a friend (ok, text, no one calls anymore) and see if they want to meet up for lunch.  Not everything has to be a full-on BBQ this weekend, despite what social media would have you believe.

Maybe your kids started school or are about to and you need time to reorganize your thoughts, your schedule, and your pantry.  Set aside the time and do it!

Or maybe you had great plans and now they are ruined for one reason or another.  It sucks.  What can you recover?  If you're sick, can you pick up a good book?  If the weather doesn't cooperate, can you research future vacation destinations?  Or play a game?  Or order in your favorite food?

You can make the weekend work for YOU by getting intentional about what fulfills and rejuvenates you.

Another benefit is that it is easier to look back on the weekend and feel good about it knowing you got to do the things you chose even though you didn't do what the rest of the world did.  Social media and comparison can suck the joy out of you.  But when you hold your weekend up to YOUR desires, instead of everyone else's activities, it is a lot easier to feel satisfied, joyous, and grateful.

You have the power to make choices that support you.  Don't leave it up to chance or someone else's agenda.  Get clear on what you want and create the space for it.  Intentionally.

Cheers to celebrating YOUR weekend,

Want More Fulfillment and Rejuvenation?

As we approach the busiest time of year (school, end of year, holidays, etc.), it is even more important to be intentional about what brings you joy.

I help clients uncover what fulfills them most in their health, family, career, relationships, finances, and community. The first step is defining what success means to you in each of these areas through a Life Vision Intensive.

This 2-hour session helps you unlock your dreams and goals. You leave with your documented life vision, core values, and top five strengths. It is your blueprint for making intentional choices that align with the life you really want, instead of the one society tells you to live.

Click HERE to schedule a free call to discuss how this can help you. Click HERE to learn more about the Life Vision Intensive!

Life's too short to stay stuck. I've helped so many people shift from "the grind" to true joy and fulfillment. I can help you too.

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