Feeling Lucky?

Feeling Lucky?

Create Your Luck

You're not lucky.  You're not unlucky.  You are a product of the choices you've made, the habits you have, the relationships you've cultivated, the support you've accepted/denied, and the opportunities you've seized.  Sure, anyone can have a fortunate or unfortunate circumstance, but those events don't define our entire lives unless we let them.  Luck is not found, it is MADE.

Luck is Made

“You’re so lucky to have a pool”
“You’re so lucky to work so close to your home”
“You’re so lucky your husband is such a hands-on dad”
“You’re so lucky to have the flexibility you have right now”
"You are so lucky to live on an island" (which many people said until this past year when it was decimated, at which point people told me how "unlucky" I was)

I hear this all the time and I can tell you none of that is luck. It is the result of knowing what I really wanted (my life vision) and making intentional decisions over long periods of time that supported what was most important to me.

I always envisioned having a home with a pool, living in a tropical location, traveling, and spending time with my friends and family.  I chose to work for the grades that would get me into business school so I could have good job prospects when I graduated.

When I started working, I chose to drive my crappy, old, fully paid off Hyundai Accent while my coworkers got new Audi’s, BMWs so I could save money to put towards a home purchase.  When I bought a house, I made sure the yard was big enough for a pool, even if it meant forgoing other features.  I also bought way less than what we were approved for knowing I wanted money to travel and do things with.

When I switched jobs, I turned down higher paying jobs in NYC because I didn’t want a long commute.  When I had my sons, I had the tough conversations at home to keep things equal between my husband and I.

When my drinking no longer served me, I chose to stop - which was really hard - in order to be a better friend, family member and colleague.  When I’ve felt overwhelmed, I’ve sought out the help and support I needed to go forward in an emotionally healthier way.

When my corporate job didn’t align with my vision anymore, I chose to make a change.  When the opportunity came to move to a warmer climate, I did the hard work of investigating, deciding, and making the move.

And when we were forced to move due to the hurricane, we had options because of our years of savings and our amazing friends and family.  

I don’t feel lucky. I feel GRATEFUL.

Grateful for the strength to keep going, for the family and friends that I’ve cultivated that support me, and for the ability to keep my vision front and center as I move forward.

I am grateful for the opportunity to help others live their vision.

Sure, unfortunate events happen - it is called life.  But only we can decide how we view those circumstances.  If we accept that we are just unlucky, we are the victim, admitting we have no power over our lives.  If we treat those same unfortunate circumstances as a learning opportunity, we build our strength and skills for an even brighter future.

This isn't about denying that positive and negative events happen.  We have all suffered at one point or another.  We've all experienced fear, loss, disappointment, pain, and longing for something we can't attain in this moment.  It doesn't make us unlucky - it makes us human.

This isn't about control - none of us have full control over the world around us. 

It is about claiming our power and intentionally moving forward in a way that supports the life we want.

So make your luck! 

Get clear on what you want and make choices every day that support that life. It isn’t easy, but it is entirely worth it.  If you want help, let’s talk (CLICK HERE FOR A FREE CALL). Because where you are in a year from now has everything to do with what you CHOOSE and almost nothing to do with luck.

Cheers to creating your luck,

Let's Create Your Luck

Your dreams can become your reality.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  I will help you define what a successful life looks like and build the habits and resources needed to achieve it.  You have everything you need inside you, and I can provide the personalized support to exponentially increase your success.

I provide 1:1 coaching and workshops for organizations to help others reduce stress, remove obstacles, set healthy boundaries, and increase joy in order to reach their goals.  Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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