So Thankful for YOU

So Thankful for YOU

So thankful for what I have....

Thank you for being YOU!  For being the amazing women and men in my network that share their experiences with me, help me grow, push me outside my comfort zone, and let me into your lives.  In this season of gratitude, I want to express mine. 

I'm grateful for so many things in my personal life - but today let me focus on my professional life. A little over three years ago I made the leap from being a CPA to a coach.  I saw a need and realized that this is where I can do my highest good.  I no longer wanted to be C-suite or in corporate, but I believe that the world will be a better place with more of YOU in the positions you are seeking, and I want to help you get there in the most fulfilling and joyous way possible.  

Fearless for what I want...

And as thankful as I am for how far along I've come, I want more.

Balancing these two things used to feel difficult.  All this talk about being mindful, being in the present, and being grateful for what I already have conflicted with the message of reaching outside my comfort zone, setting goals for the future, and going after my dreams.

We can do both.

I practice being in the moment and being grateful for what I have.  I also have a vision board of the life I want to continue to work towards.

It keeps me balanced between the now and the energy I need to keep going forward.

I hope you can spend some time this upcoming week to take notice of all you have to be thankful for.  Rest, rejuvenate yourself, pay attention to what you need, and just BE. Savor the moments around you without expectation.  It may not be the best week or holiday.  But whatever it is, it is yours.

If the urge hits or your mind wanders towards your dreams, then let yourself dream.  Be fearless for you what you still want in this life and truly believe it is possible.

Not in a stressful "this is going to be an uphill battle" way, but in a way where you can enjoy the journey.

Enough quotes and cliches from me. 

From the very bottom of my heart and soul - THANK YOU. 

Cheers to being in the moment today while still dreaming of your tomorrow,

PS - I do want to take a moment to thank all of those in my professional career who have made me who I am today.  I've had so many inspiring colleagues and leaders.  I've had really difficult leaders who helped me find my voice and get clear on what I don't want.  I've had opportunities to travel, go to conferences, network, and learn an abundance of things accounting, pharma, R&D, IT, coaching, and everything in between.  But overall, I've had really wonderful people in my professional life, and they have made all the difference.  YOU have made all the difference.  I hope you and everyone who has been a part of my life knows and feels my gratitude deeply. 

What Do You Want?

What if you invested in you and YOUR future this holiday season? One of the many things coaching can help with is CLARITY. Clarity on what success means to you, what brings you the most joy, and what you really want in your life. This clarity makes everything easier as you move forward. If gaining this type of clarity is something you could use support with, then let's talk. Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.

We can talk through your next best step to help you get closer to the life you really want instead of the life society says you are supposed to be living. I will leave you with one concrete action that you can take following the call. If you are still unsure on exactly what a successful, fulfilling life means for you, we can discuss if a Life Vision Intensive is right for you.

A Life Vision Intensive is a 2-hour discovery session where we talk about your dreams, goals, desires, and what energizes YOU. I summarize what I hear, send you back your own Life Vision document, and then we schedule a 1-hour follow-up call to finalize it and discuss how to use it as a tool going forward. For more info and pricing, CLICK HERE.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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