Why Are You So Tired?

Why Are You So Tired?

Why Are You So Tired?

It may not be a lack of sleep.  In fact, you could get enough sleep and still feel exhausted and unmotivated.  You need the right combination of rest AND rejuvenation.  But what does that really mean?

Reignite Your Spark

"We often feel tired, not because we've done too much, but because we've done too little of what sparks a light in us" ~ Alexander Den Heijer

This quote hits me every time I read it.  It reminds me that at our core, we crave and need that something - whatever that is for each of us - that lights a spark in our soul.

We need purpose and joy.  We need to feel ALIVE.  Not just on autopilot, going through the motions of our lives without ever really living.

In order to do more of what sparks a light in us, we need to 1) know what that is, and 2) make time for it.

What makes you feel alive?  What lights your spark?  If you aren't sure, start keeping an energy journal (a term I first learned from the book Designing Your Life).  This is a fantastic tool to figure out what energizes you and what drains you.  The concept is simple:  for at least a week write down activities from your day and put a + next to those that energized you, and a - next to those that drained you.  Over time you will see patterns and be able to more clearly see the things that energize you. 

Also, think back to the times that you laughed so hard your belly ached, and that you felt so energized and/or moved that you felt like you could take on the world.  What was going on in your life then?  What were you doing?  Who were you with?  What was it that made you feel so good?

Once you gain the clarity on what sparks a light in you - you have to find ways to bring it into your life.  You must CREATE the time for it, because you aren't going to just find the time for it.  You are busy and the demands of life are begging for your attention every second of every day.

If you want to rejuvenate yourself to be able to take on all of those demands AND enjoy life while you are doing it, you need to schedule in your joy.

Yes - that is right - you have to schedule your joy.  I wish it wasn't so.  I wish our lives had spontaneous joy regularly and it filled our cups everyday.  If you have this, you are among the few so please treasure it. 

But most of us go from one thing on our to-do list to the next, barely having time or energy to get through it all, never mind having free time for spontaneous joy. So we must create the time and take the initiative to do it.

If reading that already made you think "I'm too tired, forget it", then you are the person I am talking to. 

This isn't another draining thing on your to-do list.  This is the fun and spark and joy you deserve. 

This is what you are working so hard for.  If you don't take the time for yourself and your enjoyment of life, then what is the point of all of this?

You can be tired and miserable and do a whole lot less, trust me.  But if you are doing all of these things - if you are working so hard for your career, your family, your friends, your future - then you have to ask yourself, WHY?

The point of this life isn't to work and toil away.  The point of this life is to find what sparks a light in you, find your purpose, and build a life around it.  Find your joy and then find a job that will fund it, without it erasing time for that joy.  Find ways to do what you aspire to do without crushing the things that make you feel alive.

Honestly, I think most of you are doing too much.  I think you feel tired because you are doing too much AND you aren't doing enough of what sparks a light in you.  Sure, maybe you do need a little more sleep.  But I think what you need even more is that thing that brings you joy.  

And YOU are the only person that can decide what that is and how to get it.  

Once you do, everything else will come easier.  You won't feel so tired and depleted.  You will feel energized and happy and ready to take on the next thing.  Imagine how good that will feel?  When you are doing things from the energy that you have, instead of trudging through things half-exhausted?

Imagine showing up as the person you want to be for your family, at work, for your friends, and for your community?  Imagine the positive impact you can make in this world if you had positive energy behind you instead of just pure grit and white knuckling it because society told you "this is how it is"? 

Imagine what this world could be if it were filled with joyous people instead of exhausted, angry, overwhelmed people who feel defensive, hurt, and depleted?

Everyone is better off when you find what sparks a light in you.  You win, your family wins, your employer wins, your community wins, and the world wins.

You deserve to enjoy this life you are working so hard for.  You deserve to feel alive, not just walk around pretending to live.  You deserve to find your spark and prioritize it.  

Cheers to finding your spark,

Want To Find Your Spark?

One of the many things coaching can help with is CLARITY. Clarity on what success means to you, what brings you the most joy, and what you really want in your life. This clarity makes everything easier as you move forward. If gaining this type of clarity is something you could use support with, then let's talk. Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.

We can talk through your next best step to help you get closer to the life you really want instead of the life society says you are supposed to be living. I will leave you with one concrete action that you can take following the call. If you are still unsure on exactly what a successful, fulfilling life means for you, we can discuss if a Life Vision Intensive is right for you.

A Life Vision Intensive is a 2-hour discovery session where we talk about your dreams, goals, desires, and what energizes YOU. I summarize what I hear, send you back your own Life Vision document, and then we schedule a 1-hour follow-up call to finalize it and discuss how to use it as a tool going forward. For more info and pricing, CLICK HERE.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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