Two Questions You Need NOW for a Great Year-End!
Two Important Questions
What do I want more of? What do I want less of? These two questions will help you get clear on what you need to do to finish the year strong. And by strong, I mean mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy, well, and energized - not strong as in finishing your to do list exhausted and overwhelmed. So let's explore these questions, which bring us to two of the most important words you will ever use:
The two most important words we use are YES and NO. Every time we say YES we are opening an opportunity and every time we say NO we are cutting off an opportunity.
The key is to figure out which opportunities we want (so we can say YES authentically and enthusiastically) and which ones we don't (so we can say NO and avoid all that stress and obligation).
Take a few minutes to write down your answers to these questions:
What do I want more of?
What do I want less of?
I did this recently with clients and it was fascinating to see how one client wants more of something and another client wants less of that same thing. It reminds me that we are all on different paths with different desires.
We've all had different years and need different things. Some need more rest, presence, time with family, and focus. Others need more career growth and opportunities to flourish professionally and financially. And still others need more healthy habits and less complaining relatives draining them each day.
I took some time to answer these questions myself as I start to pull together my 2025 business/life plan (yes, they are extremely intertwined, so I create them together). I wrote a lot so I'll share a subset:
I want more: Fun, Sunsets, Dancing, Experiences, Local connection & community, Consistent income & clients, Group coaching opportunities, Clarity on how best to combine my coaching/yoga/corporate skills to benefit my clients, Retreat travel, Family travel, Time with friends, Group activities, Muscle tone, Healthy eating, and Presence in the moment.
I want less: Worrying about the future, Judgment of self and others, Self-doubt, Sitting behind my computer, Overly focusing on finances, Negative people, Clutter, and Stress.
(Interestingly, the list is similar to last year and I was able to fulfill a lot of what I wanted more of! It is so fun to look back and recognize that this clarity helped me have a great year.)
Answering these questions was a great start to understanding what I need to say yes to and what I need to say no to. Not just for next year, but for NOW. It isn't an exact blueprint, but it is the start to a great decision tree.
There's 25 days left of the year. Start saying Yes to what you want and need NOW. Say no to things that drain you TODAY. Make this month work for you, instead of letting it exhaust you.
Everything in life shifts and changes. What you want more or less of will change over time. Gaining clarity on what you want/need is critical to a successful and fulfilling life, so ask yourself these questions often. And especially right now.
Because if you don't create the life you want, someone else will do it for you. Your boss, your family, your friends, your neighbor. Everyone has an idea of how you can best serve them.
It is your job to decide how to best serve YOU. Which may sound selfish, especially in this season of "holiday cheer" and "giving". But we can't give what we don't have.
Read that again. We can't give what we don't have.
Which is why my life's work is helping people fill their own cup first - so they can BE and GIVE to others the way they want to. So they can use the powerful words of YES and NO to serve their lives in the best way possible.
Spend a few minutes answering these questions and share it with me via email, I love seeing where everyone is so I can help honor their journey :)
Cheers to YOUR blueprint for fulfillment,
Clarify Your YES and NO
Get clear on who you really want to be. Together we will create the energy and focus for aligned action towards the life you REALLY want. Schedule a free strategy call by CLICKING HERE and I will help you prioritize your year-end goals. *Schedule a call before December 20th and secure my 2024 coaching rates if you decide to move forward in 2025*
If you are really feeling stuck, we can talk about how I can support you even further through coaching, which offers support and accountability week after week while you are experiencing the real-life situations that challenge you.
Start the new year with sustainable habits that support your success and allow you to be who you want to be!
Life is too short to spend it feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unsatisfied. I've helped so many women improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.