Health is Wealth - Are You Rich or Bankrupt?

Health is Wealth - Are You Rich or Bankrupt?

Health is Wealth

So are you rich?  Or bankrupt?  Maybe somewhere in between? 

These past few weeks multiple people have shared their health concerns with me and it reminds me that our health is absolutely, without a doubt, the MOST important thing we have.  Yet we treat it like just another thing on our to-do list, and often times it gets pushed to the bottom or skipped over entirely.

Prioritizing Our Health

I know you are busy.  I know you know that your health is important.  And I know that you are neglecting it.

Why?  Because somewhere along the line we were told that in order to be successful we needed to do everything that was asked of us.  And we believed it.  So we neglect what we need in order to do what they need.

We look to those around us and we see everyone sacrificing sleep, eating crappy food on-the-go, and skipping physical activity all in the name of doing "all the things" in order to be successful and we think, "This is what EVERYONE does, so how bad can it be?"

Really really bad.

Cancer, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure - you get the picture.  Basically, a lower quality and quantity of LIFE.

But the thing with most of these health issues is that they culminate over years and years of neglect.  So while we are still feeling halfway decent it is hard to see the detriment we are causing ourselves.  Or at least we try to pretend we don't see it.

Deep down, you know where you need to do better.  You see glimpses of how you are bankrupting your own health, hoping you will somehow win big one day soon to refill it.  You have stuff to do today, so you push down that thought and tell yourself you will get healthy tomorrow.   

Then tomorrow you are busy too.

NOTHING is more important than your health.  Not your kids, not your job, not your family, not your finances.  NOTHING.

Because if you aren't healthy, you can't be there for your kids, your job, your family, or enjoy your lifestyle.

So how can you start prioritizing your health again, especially right now when the world seems crazier and busier than ever?

By picking ONE thing and doing it. 

Maybe it is scheduling your annual exam.  Or walking 15 minutes twice a week.  Or removing the cookies from the house.  Maybe it is cutting out soda, or committing to 8 hours of sleep regardless of what is left undone at the end of the day. (Getting sleep is by far one of the best ways to improve your health)  

Don't try to do a bunch of things because that doesn't work.  You will do it for 2-5 days, feel overwhelmed, and then give up on all of it.

Instead, pick ONE thing that feels totally doable, and just do it.  TODAY.

No more waiting until the promotion, or the kids get older, or the project is done, or you pay off that debt, or the quarter ends, or the new year.  Because there is no good time to get healthy. 

And there is no more time to waste.

So as you rush around this holiday season, think about what YOU really want for the holidays.  Instead of spending money on just anything, what if you invested in your health or asked for gifts that supported your health?  Some ideas:

  • Outsourcing cleaning, laundry, or food shopping (you'd be surprised how reasonable some of these services have become)

  • Nutritionist, health coach, career coach, or life coach - to keep you accountable to your goals

  • Meditation apps (Calm, for example) - ensure you sign up with an accountability partner so you actually utilize the service

  • Therapist - your mental health is so important, and your co-pay is likely very affordable. Imagine freeing yourself from a lifetime of baggage, trauma, resentment, and drama??

  • Cooking classes (to make healthy AND tasty meals)

  • Active and fun class - maybe boxing, yoga, golf, tennis, tai-chi, etc. (Key is to pick something you actually like and are motivated to do, not something that feels like a chore)

You'll notice all of these ideas are not one-time things - they are weekly/bi-weekly services that have the potential to improve your health significantly over time.

Yes, I know the handbag, the electronics, the clothes, and the one-time spa packages are more enticing. But will those things really move the needle on your health?

Will those things really make you happy?

Will those things make you RICH?

Cheers to a season of HEALTH and HAPPINESS,

Holiday Gift Ideas

Finding time for yourself is one of the hardest things in today's crazy world.

What if you were gifted two hours to relax and reflect on your dreams, desires, and goals? And at the end of those two hours you were given a summarized document of your core values and what a fulfilling, successful life means to YOU?

This clarity will help you kick-off 2022 with energy, focus, and a path forward that is fully designed by you. The Life Vision Intensive is a no-commitment way to explore what coaching is as you build your definition of success. The investment is $299 and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session).

Whether it is for you or that person in your life feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or disenchanted with life these days, this is the gift that keeps giving. Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them create the life and opportunities they always wanted. There is so much more value in this process than a $300 gift that gets used and then set aside.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

The Holiday Lights Story (its kinda funny!)

The Holiday Lights Story (its kinda funny!)

So Thankful for YOU

So Thankful for YOU