Happy (or not) Mother's Day

Happy (or not) Mother's Day

I hope you find time for YOU today. 

Whether you are a mom, you have a mom, you're missing your mom, or if you're grieving the loss of a relationship with your mom, loss of a child, loss of a dream, or are still wrestling with the path to motherhood - you deserve time for YOU. 

Personally - I hope it is a very HAPPY Mother's Day.  But it doesn't have to be happy.  It can be whatever you need to make it a good day for you.  Relaxing, reflective, nostalgic, hopeful, fearful, sad - whatever you are feeling - it is valid. 

The most important part is to take the time you need for YOU this weekend.

Allow Yourself to BE

For me - I am grateful, nostalgic, and feeling empathetic for some friends.  I am grateful I can spend the day with my two sons, and I have plans to celebrate with my mother, grandmother, and sister next weekend. 

I'm nostalgic for years past when it was easier to see my own mother and sister closer to the actual day.  And I am feeling extremely empathetic and sad for some close friends who have recently lost their mom and/or are dealing with tough situations with their mom.  I am also feeling empathetic for a few friends navigating the very tough road of trying to become a mom.

This is life - multiple emotions, different ways of celebrating (or not) and making the best of what we have. 

So if you are having a wonderful year - lean into it and ENJOY IT!  If it is a tough year, it will pass.  And if you have mixed emotions - you are in good company.  Sometimes just the expectations around Mother's Day already sabotage the possibility of a great day - it rarely lives up the hype, right?

Either way, I am wishing a Happy Mother's Day to you all :)

With love,

Create the Life You Want

Move forward with clarity.  I help women stop doubting themselves, get clear on the life they really want, and remove the obstacles in the way.  The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.   

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  Whether it is this one call, ongoing coaching, or a workshop to bring into your organization - I meet you where you are to help you get where you want to go.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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