Turning Struggle into Success

Turning Struggle into Success

You Are NOT Failing

Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing.  Things are HARD right now.  Everyone I talk to is struggling on some level.  Our bodies and minds are designed to handle struggles and challenges.  And while it doesn't feel good while you are in it, it also doesn't mean you are failing.  

Finding the Success in the Struggle

Things right now are hard because they are HARD.  Not because you aren't doing a good job handling it.  Not because you need to be doing more.   And definitely not because you aren't good enough.

Acknowledge and accept the reality - Things are HARD right now.  The uncertainty, the competing demands, the increasing pace of the world - the list goes on and on.  

When everything feels hard, the path of least resistance is to focus on what is going right.  Even if it is only one thing. 

You are waking up.  You are logging on.  Your kids are getting to school (mostly) on time.  You remembered your friend's birthday.  You ate a meal or two. 

Whatever is working, take notice of it and feel good about it.  Don't compare it to the laundry list of things you feel aren't working.  Just focus on what is going right.

Then increase your list of "things going right" by one more thing.  Not a whole list of things that you WANT to go better.  Just one thing that you feel you can improve or turnaround from struggling to succeeding. 

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

Easier said than done - sure.  But the truth is, our bodies and minds are built to handle struggle.  It doesn't feel great, but it is part of our learning and growing.  

The biggest takeaway is that while yes - you are feeling the struggle - you are NOT failing.  

Repeat it again.  You are NOT failing.  Not even close.

Life is not neatly categorized into two buckets of Succeeding or Failing.  Life is everything in-between - the pain, the beauty, the mistakes, the learnings, the laughs, the tears, the things we love, the things we hate.  

And as long as you get up to face another day, you are NOT failing.  

Want to reduce the struggling?  Here is a short list of things I've seen help:

  • Acceptance that nothing is permanent.  Things will change, you will not be facing these same challenges forever.

  • Focus on what you want more of.  What you focus on grows, so if you keep focusing on everything that isn't working, you will only see problems and they will multiply.  If you focus on what is going right, your positive mindset will allow for more successful outcomes.

  • Ask for what you need.  Even if you aren't sure if you can get it, ask for it.  By allowing others to know what you need, you greatly increase the chances that you will get some type of assistance.

  • Find support.  You are not alone.  There are so many others going through this struggle, and they can help you through listening, and/or offering you advice that helped them.  There is exponential power and strength in a group.

  • Accept that you have done enough.  Stop letting your mind trick you into thinking you aren't doing enough.  You are doing more than enough.  Let go of what isn't done and be realistic about your situation and capabilities in any given 24-hour period.

  • Love yourself.  It sounds so cliche, but self-compassion and self-love are proven to help us handle life's toughest challenges.  Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend.  Have compassion, have empathy and tell yourself "You are not alone, you are doing the best you can, and it will all be ok."  

Because it will be ok.  Not perfect.  Maybe not exactly how you want it to be.  But it will be ok.

It will be ok because you are not failing.  You are living life on life's terms, and that is all any of us can do.  Ever.

So focus on how amazing you are (even if you aren't feeling it right this second) and watch your amazing-ness grow!

Wishing you less struggle and more success,

From Struggling to Success

The more support you have, the more success you have.  I help clients gain clarity on the life they really want and remove the obstacles in the way.  The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.   

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  Whether it is this one call, ongoing coaching, or a workshop to bring into your organization - I meet you where you are to help you get where you want to go.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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