Get Back to What You Love

Get Back to What You Love

Ever want to go back in time?

Every want to go back to a period of time that felt lighter, easier, and more fun?  I know I do, especially when life gets overwhelming or stressful.  We can't go back in time, but we can bring some of that fun feeling back if we are intentional about it.  So many in my network, including me, have been missing an element of fun in our lives lately.  So I'm diving into exactly what I'm missing and how to get more of it into my life.

Let's Do This!

One of the things I miss most is that energized feeling to take on the next big thing.  In talking with clients, I'm not alone.  There is an overwhelming feeling of frustration and "blahness" right now.  Life feels like too much and not enough all at the same time.

When I was a kid all I wanted to do was be a grown up.  WHY?  lol.  Because I wanted to "do whatever I want, whenever I want".  Basically, I wanted freedom.  Which is a big part of my success and fulfillment formula.  

In addition to freedom, most of us want to feel ALIVE. Our past "good old days" can help clue us into what makes us feel most alive. 

Think of an event or time you felt pure joy, fun, excitement, and happiness.  What were you doing?  Who were you with? What else was going on in life during that time?

Sometimes the circumstances were the source - the people, the music, the physical place.  Other times it was bigger than the event itself - it may have been during a time when you were excited about what was next, when you were at your healthiest, when you felt good in your body, or when you could just walk out the door without worrying about other humans (kids, parents, colleagues, etc.). 

Really dive in and identify as much about that event and time as possible.  Now think of 2-3 more events when you felt that good and do the same exercise. 

What are the themes?

For me, the times that come to mind all include laughing, good music, maybe dancing, and being with people that made me feel great.  Whether it was at work or out with friends, my best times revolved around a feeling that anything was possible, which made me feel not only alive, but also unstoppable.

These days life is full of emails from the school, kids' sports, clients, emails, meetings, contracts, making dinner, finances, and planning for the future.  It's funny - I've worked for and wanted all of the things I have - but these things don't necessarily bring the fun with them. 

I am grateful I also find time for yoga, walks outside, beach time, and family time, but there is still something missing.  For me, it is that external connection and carefree FUN.  Now that I've identified it, I can do something about it.

I'm planning some outings with friends, signing up for a dance class, and exploring other ways to get connected in my community that aren't overly serious. 

What about you?  Once you identify the factors that were part of your best moments, is there anything you can bring back into your life now?

Or maybe it is about letting some stuff go.  I realize it isn't practical to get rid of our kids, jobs, and the other responsibilities that come with being an adult (adulting is so overrated), but I do think it is possible to decrease the stress in these areas.  

What can you stop worrying about?  What isn't really your responsibility?  What can you delegate? Basically - get clear on what really matters and let go of the rest.

Think about it and email me some ideas - I am happy to serve as accountability to help you bring in more of what makes you feel ALIVE!

I went into this work because I was tired of watching amazing, capable, smart women doubt themselves and work themselves into misery and burnout.  I am dedicated to helping others reclaim their spark and feel excited about their lives. 

Not every day can be the best day.  But we can have a lot more good days if we intentionally choose more fun and less bullsh*t.  Use your power to choose to create the life you deserve.

Cheers to a life that excites you,

Create Clarity & Fun

Are you clear on what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, I can help you figure it out and create a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life.  Together we can create a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm. 

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss where you are and what you want by CLICKING HERE.   I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms. 

Whether it is this one call, a Life Vision Intensive, ongoing coaching, or a workshop to bring into your organization - I meet you where you are to help you get where you want to go.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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