Need to Get Back "On-Track"?  Me Too.

Need to Get Back "On-Track"? Me Too.

Getting Back on Track

I missed last week's newsletter - and while I'm sure almost no one noticed, it bothered me.  If I care as much about my business as I say I do, and believe whole-heartedly that consistency is key - then how did I blow off a week?  Because I am HUMAN.  Which means I am guaranteed to mess up, make mistakes, and miss things from time to time.  The miss isn't the issue - it is how you recover and what you do next that REALLY matters when it comes to success, reputation, and staying "on track".  

Reality is Messy

Did you ever hear the phrase "failure isn't an option"?

If you are truly in a life-or-death situation, I can understand that quote.  But in real life, mistakes are an integral part of success.  

What is most important is what you do immediately AFTER the mistake, error, etc.

Option 1 - Wallow in self-pity, tell everyone who will listen how badly you messed up, sit in shame, retreat to a pint of ice cream, and avoid people for as long as possible.

Option 2 - Deny, deny, deny. Better yet, blame it on someone else.

Option 3 - Objectively assess the situation - what happened, why, how could it have gone better, and what is within your control.  Then learn from that experience and move on. (If an apology is in order, do that too).

I hope you chose Option 3!  And while it can be easier said than done, the reality is that we learn through mistakes, IF, and only if, we are willing to look at them and make a change going forward.

It is summertime and many of us are getting "off-track" with our goals.  Maybe deadlines on projects are slipping, or you're back into daily ice cream treats, or you've abandoned your exercise routine because - you know - it's summer!

Whatever your example, whether it is a true mistake or more of a slip-up, the most important thing is what to do about it NOW.

What is your next best action?

Assess the slip-up, see how it links to your values, objectively assess the importance of the item, and then get back on track ASAP.  Or get back on track in September, if that is what your assessment determines.

The reason I think this is an important topic is because I hear so many people feeling guilty or labeling themselves as "terrible" because they got off-track.  They ruin their current experience by lamenting on how awful they were last week when they slipped up.

Which is exactly how I started to feel last week when it was late Thursday evening (on July 4th!) and I realized I didn't write my weekly newsletter that goes out on Friday mornings.

It started with the usual script in my head:  What the heck is wrong with you?  Why didn't you think about this earlier in the week?  If you care so much about your business, why didn't you follow-through on the one thing you are usually consistent with?  Are you getting lazy?  Do you even care?  Is this even a REAL business?


But I caught myself.

I recognized that my negative self-talk is 1) a habit stemming from my perfectionism, 2) not helpful, and 3) not true.

I do care about my business, my very REAL business.  And I also care about my family.  And we had a ton of fun last week!  The kids weren't in camp, we fit in some bike rides, some beach time, a parade, seeing friends, and my work schedule was light by design.  

I intentionally built this business with a ton of flexibility because it supports the LIFE I want in total, not just the financial/career aspect of my life.

All of the other negative self-talk phrases are conditioned responses that society reinforces.  Spending time with family and enjoying your life isn't lazy.  It is balanced.  But society's message is to hustle and grind, otherwise you're a slacker.

Missing something once (or twice) out of an entire year isn't failure, it's the human element of not being perfect. 

And being hard on myself has never actually made the situation better - it only creates more heaviness of guilt and shame.

So I came to the conclusion (pretty quickly too, which I am proud of, because I've been practicing this skill for years) that I should just let it go.

Let it go, AND...... ensure I set aside time this week to get back on track.

That is what I am asking you to do.  Look at ALL the factors contributing to your mistake or slip-up.  Was it so terrible?  What were the trade-offs?  How much does it really matter?

And most importantly - what can you do about it NOW?

Maybe a conversation with your boss with new projected timelines needs to be scheduled this week.  Maybe ice cream is still in, but only on weekends instead of every night.  And maybe you have no intention of returning to your exercise routine, but you can research a new one that is more enticing and/or fits into your summer schedule better.

The point is:  Yesterday is gone.  The slip-up happened.  And you have a choice about what to do next.  

You can either continue ruining more time now by feeling terrible about it/perpetuating it (I ate a piece of cake off my diet plan, might as well not eat healthy again until September);  OR

Let go, move on, and take a positive next step.

Forgive yourself for being YOU - the human, messy, person that you are (and we ALL are) - and make the present moment as good as you can.

Get back "on-track" by intentionally taking back your power of choice.

You deserve to enjoy this life you are working so hard for!

Stop beating yourself up for the stuff that is bound to happen sooner or later.  Redirect that energy to your next best choice and RECLAIM YOUR LIFE!

You are human.  You are messy.  And you are WORTHY.

Cheers to getting back on-track,

Get Support to Get Back On-Track

We can all use support with our goals.  I help clients define what a fulfilling, successful life looks like in all aspects - your health, career, family, relationships, finances, and community - and help them build a pathway to achieve it.

The first step is to schedule a free strategy call (CLICK HERE) to explore what you REALLY want and your next best step. 

BONUS:  Get a free month of coaching if you schedule your call before July 15th!  I'm extending my offer for my 6-month coaching package at my 2023 rates so that you can say YES to investing in YOU!  You will get a 7th month free so that you can create a fun summer, fuel year-end success, and kick-off next year with clarity and momentum.  Don't delay - I only have a few more coaching spots left!

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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