What's Your Word for 2022?  And how do you choose one?

What's Your Word for 2022? And how do you choose one?

My Word for 2022:  FAITH

Faith in myself, faith in those I have attracted into my life, and faith in the journey.  This is my focus for 2022.  I don't do resolutions because they never worked for me (by about Jan 15th I usually abandon them).  But for the last few years I have picked a word and it has helped me stay focused, grounded, and able to manifest more of it throughout the year.

What's your word?  And how do you choose one?

One Singular Word

As we close out 2021, take stock of everything you have accomplished and everything you are grateful for.  No better way to bring in a new year than in a state of gratitude!

As you look forward to 2022, pick ONE word to anchor to.  Pick something you want more of in your life that is aligned with your goals and vision. Pick something that makes you feel positive and reminds you of the amazing person you are (and want to be).  Put it on a post-it note and hang it where you will see it everyday.

If you aren't sure how to pick a word, the following 5 steps from Mountain Modern Life (I'm not affiliated with this site but found it easy to read) can help.  It includes a list of words to start you off.  (Read full article HERE)

  1. Reflect

  2. Visualize

  3. Create a List

  4. Review & Refine

  5. Ask Yourself if You Are "Interested" or "Committed"

Last year my word was FLOW, and it helped me all year to come back to my desired state.  I like to control things and I can get really uptight when there is a lot going on outside of my control.  And as we all know, 2021 was NOT a predictable year!

Every time I started to feel like I was grasping for straws to control things I went back to my word - FLOW.  I didn't do it perfectly, but it really helped me stay grounded, take a deep breath, and go with the flow more easily. 

My word for 2022 is FAITH.  Not in the organized religion way. 

FAITH in myself and all of the skills, experiences, and knowledge I've attained throughout my life.  FAITH in my journey and that I am in the right place at the right time, even if it feels uncomfortable or hard.  FAITH that my authenticity will attract the right people and opportunities into my life.  FAITH that I will help even more women find fulfillment and success in their lives as I expand All Inclusive You.  And FAITH that the universe is aligning for my benefit.

Because sometimes life is hard and it feels like it is crumbling.  And yet, every single experience has helped me in some way (even if it is to teach me what I don't want).  I know deep down that I wouldn't be where I am today without having gone through all of the really hard times, hard lessons, and uncomfortable moments of growth.

So what's your word for 2022?  Share it with me! 

I love hearing your focus and if you want some accountability, I am happy to email you once a month throughout 2022 to remind you of your word.  Sometimes that is all it takes - seeing your word again and anchoring to it to help get back on track!

Whether your choose a word or not, I hope you take some time today to reflect on what you want more if in the year to come.  You are AMAZING!!  You are capable of INCREDIBLE things!  You can bring more of what you want into your life if you focus on it.  I am sure of it!

Wishing you a year full of health, wealth, opportunities, love, fun, and happiness,

Want Support Finding Your Word?

Start off the New Year with clarity on the life you really want.

Create the energy, focus, and path forward that is fully designed by you! The Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values and define what a successful life looks like for you, personally and professionally. The investment is $299 (for a limited time before it increases) and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session). Resolve your curiosity and let's see if this is for you. If not, then you've checked one more thing off your list as you pursue your desires for 2022!

Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them create the life and opportunities they always wanted.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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