Do Nothing AND Succeed

Do Nothing AND Succeed

Do Nothing - and Succeed?

I know - it is not the mantra of anyone successful I know either.  Or is it?  It is the title of a great book I read, Do Nothing - How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving, by Celeste Headlee.  When you read the whole title - doesn't that sound amazing?  To break away from overworking, overdoing and UNDERLIVING??

It sound amazing to me.

But is it realistic?

The Vibe:  While "doing nothing" isn't realistic all of the time, it is some of the time.  This book is not promoting laziness, free-loading or sitting around for days literally doing nothing.  But it is bringing up some really interesting thoughts about what we consider to be "nothing" and what we consider to be "productive".

The Details:  The unfortunate bottom line is that we, as a society, and especially as women, have equated being busy with being important.  Busyness is the new status symbol.  If you are busy it means your time is in high demand and you must be important.  People need you.  

Back a few hundred years, leisure time was the status symbol. If you had time for leisure, then you were truly rich because most people had to work grueling hours laboring in order to survive.  But as our social and environmental structures changed, so did our perception of leisure time. 

Today, instead of bragging about sleeping in or spending an afternoon reading or playing a game with friends, we brag, um, I mean, complain about how much work we have to do.  When we do find moments of down time, many of us feel guilty or are looking for something else to fill the time.  

We have equated being productive with being worthy.  If you aren't filling every minute of your day with some activity for work or for your family, then you are wasting an opportunity.  But an opportunity for what?  What if having free time IS the opportunity?  What if doing "nothing" is the desired result?

We work so hard to improve the quality of our lives and our loved ones.  So are you?  The statistics  say no. 

Research from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health shows that about 40% of workers feel "overworked, pressured, and squeezed to the point of anxiety, depression, and disease".   

The American Institute of Stress says more than half of all doctor visits are prompted by stress-related illness.  We are literally working ourselves sick.

So how can you start to find and value "doing nothing"? 

To Thrive:  First of all, identify what it is that you are really working so hard for. 

On the work front - what is the result you are working for?  Is it a specific project outcome or to finish specific tasks?  Once you identify the desired result, figure out the 2-3 most impactful activities to reach that result.  Let the less important items go by the wayside.  Two hours of focused effort can be way more valuable than eight hours of clearing out emails, half-listening during meetings, or "busy" work.

On the home front - what absolutely has to get done?  And what things are you doing just because you always have?  If your desired result is more quality time with your children or partner, then is cleaning the kitchen helping you achieve that?  No.  Does the kitchen have to get cleaned?  Maybe.  But it can wait.  And when you prioritize that quality time, your mood improves and you may find the energy to tackle the kitchen after all.

All of the research shows that a full night of sleep and some periods of "doing nothing" allows our minds to work more efficiently.  So if you are concerned about productivity and efficiency, then you should work no more than 6 hours a day, you should never multi-task and you should prioritize 8 hours of sleep over everything else.  

So I want you to ask yourself - do you want to BE productive?  Or do you want to FEEL important?  

Can you feel worthy if you have a couple hours a day of leisure time?  I want you to give it a try.  And for those of you who think I'm crazy to even suggest this in this chaotic world of return to office, unending social issues, and "catching up" - I hear you.

I'm not saying this is easy.  If it was, you would've done it already.  But it is worth it.  Can you prioritize time for leisure?  Not to improve yourself or take on an activity as a means to an end.  But time as the end itself.  To prioritize time to simply enjoy yourself.    

If the end goal of being productive is to improve your life and the life of those around you, then enjoying yourself sounds like a good result.  And yes, practically, other things need to get done as well.

But if we do all of the things and never take the time to enjoy it, then we are literally working for NOTHING.  All this "productivity" produces nothing but stress and sickness.  All this "busyness" makes us feel important while also feeling more and more miserable and overwhelmed by the day.

And here's the kicker - the more you enjoy yourself, de-stress and restore yourself - the more productive and effective you will be both at work and at home.  You win, your family wins and your employer/business wins.  The win/win/win trifecta!

Life success isn't measured in hours worked or activities checked off a To-Do List.  Life success can only be measured by you - and it is usually measured in words like love, fulfillment, purpose, family, friends, impact, and legacy.

So take time this weekend to identify what you are really working for.  Not the busyness of what you think has to get done - but the actual result you want out of all of those hours.  Prioritize your leisure time, your sleep, and the 2-3 most important activities to reach that result. 

And watch your life improve in all areas :)

Cheers to my new mantra - Do Nothing!

We ALL need support

You are not alone.  I can help you gain clarity on how to enjoy life AND succeed.  Whether it is to better enjoy this summer or set yourself up for success for the rest of this year, I offer clarity sessions, consistent support, and accountability through several options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide what's best for you.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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