Proof Yoga Works:  The Science

Proof Yoga Works: The Science

Want to change your life for the better?

Then do yoga regularly.  How will yoga help you pay your bills, take care of your family and friends, and help you succeed when you barely have time to breathe?  Because it creates the SPACE you need to do all of those things better, and there is SCIENCE to prove it works.  In this 20-minute video, "The Science Behind Yoga", you will hear the stats and science of how this practice of breathing and connecting your mind/body movements reduces depression and anxiety, reduces stress, and improves resiliency.  For those of you who want the quick summary, here it is:

Supporting Your Success

The Vibe:   Feel better to BE better by decreasing your stress and increasing your resiliency.  Better manage your life and reach your goals.  This isn't about some hokey thing that spaced-out hippies do.  The science measures how yoga increases resiliency and decreases depression and anxiety.  Learn the tools so you can use them in your everyday life "off the mat".

And in today's world, with layoffs, family crises, end of season stressors, natural disasters, and political and social unrest - who doesn't need a way to reduce stress and increase resilience?

The Details:  So what if you just don't want to do it?  I hear you.  But do you know what you are saying No to? 

Yoga isn't just twisting your body into random shapes (in fact, the postures are the smallest part of an overall yoga practice, contrary to popular belief).  You don't need to be athletic, strong, thin, or flexible.  You just need to be able to breathe, which if you are reading this, you are breathing, so you are good to go*. (*disclaimer:  I'm not a Dr. so if your Dr. says you can't do it, you can't.  But those individuals are few and far between.)

The science in the video states a 33% reduction in depression for individuals practicing yoga for 12 minutes each day for six weeks.  Twelve minutes!  

That same group had a decrease in anxiety, decrease in stress, increase in resilience, and increase in positive thoughts.  How does it work?

Yoga connects your breath to your body, helping to focus your mind and calm down your nervous system.  You learn to control your breath and direct your thoughts intentionally.  

You strengthen the power of your mind, helping you to reach your goals and enjoy this life you are working so hard for.  The neuroscience and current ability of neuroimaging can measure the changes of your brain activity produced by practicing yoga and meditation, which over time, shows you can actually change your brain structure.

To Thrive:  Practice yoga.  Give it a try!  Whether you've never done it, have tried a few times, or are an experienced yogi - create time for a regular yoga practice.  Start off small - maybe a few minutes a day with YouTube videos until you feel comfortable in a studio.  Or find a friend and go to a class. Or bring a teacher into your home.

As with all things - it takes time to feel the benefits.  If you go once, don't expect to feel amazing.  But if you commit to several weeks, you'll start to notice a difference.

Two of the hundreds of real stories I will share.  For me, yoga helped me process, heal, and move forward through being displaced for 8 months due to Hurricane Ian.  At a time in my life when there were a thousand stressors and things to do, going to yoga wasn't the most obvious thing to add.  It helped me not only manage that period of time, but I've also come out incredibly stronger on the other side.  I actually grew through the trauma, not just survived it.

A friend lost her job over a year ago and found yoga.  It built her self-confidence, helped her manage her feelings, and deal with family health issues around her.  She has since found and started a new role and is using what she's learned to be even stronger at work and with her boundaries.  She is better off because she chose to practice yoga through her unemployment instead of saying "Now isn't the time".

Watch the video "The Science Behind Yoga" and experience it for yourself.  I've heard all the excuses and I used to say them myself.  "I don't have time", "I can't sit still", "If I only have an hour to work out I want to sweat and be more active", "It just isn't for me", "I'm too busy".

What are you more committed to: your excuses or improving your life?

Yoga can benefit everyone.  The same way that eating healthier can.  But most don't because they are stuck in their habits and they want to do what they want to do while complaining about their lack of enjoyment, space, and time.  

Nothing changes if nothing changes.  Your stress isn't going to magically disappear one day when things "calm down".  It is apparent our world is doing the opposite of calming down and we need more resilience and ways to reduce stress now more than ever.

It took me a long time to get into yoga.  I dabbled in it for years, knowing it helped but not committing to it.  Now that I do it regularly and feel the benefits, I wish I built a regular practice earlier.  But I can't change the past so I am hoping I can help others not make the same mistake.

Reach out if you want help figuring out where to start, how to get back into it, or to talk through the objections you have.  I'm not here to tell you what to do - I'm here to share tools that are PROVEN to work to help you reach YOUR definition of success.  

I want you to succeed.  Yoga will help.

Cheers to your practice,

We ALL need support

You are not alone.  I can help you gain clarity on how to enjoy life AND succeed, and the tools you need to make it happen.  Whether it is to better enjoy your time or set yourself up for success for the rest of this year, I offer clarity sessions, consistent support, and accountability through several options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide what's best for you.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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