Half of 2023 is Over - How is it going?

Half of 2023 is Over - How is it going?

Half of 2023 is over - so how is it going?

Time flies, and nothing changes without awareness and intent.  So before the second half of the year disappears, take time to assess what has gone well, where you are, and where you want to be.  A quick and easy way to do this?  Utilize a Life Wheel.

The Wheel of Life

The Vibe:  The Wheel of Life helps you visualize all the important areas of your life at once to help you better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work.

The Details:  A wheel works best when it is smooth, meaning all spokes are the same length.  Your life is similar - it works (and feels) best when it is in balance.  There are many different Wheel of Life versions - some that you can print out and physically color in, and some online versions where you rate each area from 1-10 and it provides your visual. 

Here are a few choices for you to utilize (no affiliation, I just googled, there are many out there):
Quick, easy and free online wheel:  https://wheeloflife.noomii.com/
Quick, easy and free online wheel, also asks where you want to be in each area: https://wheeloflife.io/
Printable wheel to color physically: https://thecoachspace.com/blog/wheel-of-life-template/

The areas assessed can vary from wheel to wheel, but they generally include your health, finances, relationships/love, career, home, community, spirituality, and growth/play.

It can be even more fun to add your own labels to measure what is most important to you.

Once you have your wheel, assess each area of your life and see where your wheel is out of balance.  Be sure to look back on the first half of this year and take credit for your accomplishments.

Just because you aren't exactly where you want to be doesn't mean you aren't on your way.  Ignore social norms and tap into how you truly feel about each area of your life.

To Thrive:  Analyze the areas that are "out of balance" or lower than you want, and commit to making an intentional change in that area.

You can't work on everything at once, so get clear on what is most important for you to improve by year-end.  What can you realistically focus on in the next six months, and what small action can you take to move the ball forward?

If your career is rocking but your relationships need work, commit to taking some days off for intentional networking, hanging with friends, dating, special time with your children, etc.

If your finances aren't where you want them to be, evaluate what is possible.  Can you ask for a raise?  Strive for a promotion?  Look elsewhere for work?  Supplement with a side hustle?  Or reduce your spending so your current intake more than meets your needs?

Personally, I've worked hard at my Wheel of Life and it is feeling more balanced than it used to.  I am very satisfied with personal growth, where I live (climate wise), and finances.  I want to make more of an impact in my career, develop more relationships, and put more focus on healthy eating.

I'm not going to knock all of those out of the park by the end of this year, but I am being intentional with my time and aligning my activities with things that can help one or more of those areas.

None of this is hard, but we have to take the time and make the choice to do it.  It really helps to visualize where you are, so go ahead and fill our Wheel of Life!  Feel free to share it with me via email and we can discuss it.

Cheers to a fulfilling Wheel of Life,

Wheel of Life need balancing?

You are not alone.  I can help you gain clarity on your dream life and where you are now so you can create strategies to close the gap.  A Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values, define what a successful life looks like for you, and help you assess where you are.  The investment is $299 and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive).  

Having a hard time enjoying this life you working so hard for?  Whether it is to better enjoy this summer or set yourself up for success for the rest of this year, I offer consistent support and accountability for your specific challenges through several coaching package options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide if coaching is a fit.  

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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