Create Your Summer-Fun Bucket List

Create Your Summer-Fun Bucket List

Create a Realistic Summer Bucket List

Summer fun-in-the-sun is what everyone talks about, but it can be hard to enjoy alongside your career, family, household, health, and other responsibilities.  I've created an easy way to capture your wishes and make them a reality - DOWNLOAD YOUR SUMMER BUCKET LIST FORM HERE.

Be Intentional

As we kick off Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial start of summer, many start daydreaming about their fun summer plans.  Yet the reality of work, changing summer schedules, family demands, the weather, and financial constraints can dampen those dreams and before you know it summer is over and you didn't get to do what you wanted.

Taking a few minutes to intentionally create your Summer Bucket List (DOWNLOAD FORM HERE) can help make your dreams a reality. 

This checklist is great - but if you know you won't do it yourself - then join me on June 4th for a deeper dive into creating your "Best Summer Ever:  Create Summer Fun and Fuel Year-End Success". You deserve a great summer, so give yourself this one hour to make it happen!  Register for either session:
June 4 - 12-1pm ET
June 4 - 7-8pm ET

If you can't make it or want to start with the checklist as a primer - start with thinking about all the things you want to do.  Locations you want to visit, people you want to spend time with, books you want to read, weather you want to enjoy, and goals you want to achieve.

Type them into the checklist, and then really think about which personal fulfillment bucket(s) each fills.  The activity may support your relaxation, your desired experience or location, your health, time with family/friends, your career or financial goals, or your personal development/spirituality.

Check off all the boxes that each activity fulfills.  This will give you a better idea of which activities are most fulfilling, and which areas you do not have any activities planned for (which is ok - you don't have to fulfill all of these this summer). 

Then prioritize each activity, ranking them from 1-10 (you may need more space or an additional sheet).  Look at what you can realistically fit into your summer and start calendaring those activities. 

Can't seem to fit it all in?  That's ok!  Keep the activities you can't get to on the back burner and if the opportunity arises, you will be ready to jump on it.  Or see how you can adjust your bucket list item to something that you can accomplish this summer, saving the bigger/badder version for a future year.

Why do all this?  Because time is your most valuable resource. Being present and in the moment is the path to happiness and fulfillment.  But in our busy lives, time slips away, and we get caught up in the planning and doing without enjoying the fun of the moment.

If you have children, you've probably heard you only have 18 summers with them.  If you are a 20 year-old, you likely have 60 summers to enjoy before your time on earth is over.  For most of us reading this, we have many less summers left than that.  And we never truly know when it will be our last.

That fact can either scare you or motivate you.  It motivates me to take the time to be intentional about my bucket list and then make it a reality.  Make the most of your upcoming summer by getting clear on what you want and creating the time to do it! 

Important Note:  Don't try to overdo it.  Plan the things that fulfill you without stretching yourself too thin.  This should become obvious when you start to calendar your bucket list items.  If you leave no room to breathe or for unforeseen circumstances, you've over-planned and are setting yourself up for stress and anxiety.

For me - I will be enjoying time at the beach, spending time with family and friends here in FL and back in NJ, supporting several new clients, refining my workshops to support organizations, reading a few books on my list, and exploring continued trainings for coaching and wellness to start later this year :)

Email me with the things you are most excited about for this summer!

Cheers to your bucket list,

Let's Create Your Best Summer Ever!

Join me on June 4th with an amazing group of women who want to take control of their summer and set themselves up for success through year-end! My "Best Summer Ever: Create Summer Fun and Fuel Year-End Success" workshop is FREE and you will walk away with your own map to a fun summer that sets you up for success through year-end.  Register for the session that works best for you:
June 4 - 12-1pm ET 
June 4 - 7-8pm ET

Can't make it?  Let's talk so you can move forward with clarity.  I help women stop doubting themselves, get clear on the life they really want, and remove the obstacles in the way.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.   

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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