Simplify Your Summer Vibe, and Thrive

Simplify Your Summer Vibe, and Thrive

Simplify Your Summer

Each week this summer I will be sharing a different VIBE (book, podcast, helpful reference) and how it will help you THRIVE.  My goal is to provide short snippets of a useful resource and help you implement it in a simple, fun way.  This helps me simplify my summer newsletter planning as well which is what I constantly try to do - model the behavior I want to see.  This week's vibe:  SIMPLIFY.

Your Word or Theme

Did you choose a word for the year?  If so, does it still inspire you? Does it apply to your summer goals?  

One way to simplify and focus is to pick one word or theme and make it visible.  As summer tends to have its own feel, it is ok to pick a different word for the next couple of months.

This word can help you in your career and personal life.  My word for the year is CREATE, and it is still relevant for me this summer, but I'm adding "fun" to it.  My theme for this summer is to CREATE FUN!  Whether it is with my family, my clients, my neighbors or my friends - I want to incorporate some fun and laughs into our every day.  

By printing the words out and reminding myself of this daily, it helps me lighten up and reminds me to not take myself too seriously.  Sure, life can be heavy and require "adulting" at times (ugh, so annoying!).  But many things can be held more lightly, can incorporate more smiles, and can be laughed at (including laughing at oneself!)

Once you pick your word or theme - really think about how to bring more of that into your work.  How can you simplify your focus for the next 3 months?  Think through what is critical, what is most impactful, and what can wait.

Whether you are embarking on a new project, looking to transition, working towards a promotion, or aiming for status quo - let others know your intentions for the next 3 months and share you word.

Think about how your word can support your relationships and personal life.  How will you apply it, who is most important, and what tasks can wait? 

If you don't have a word in mind, I will offer PRESENCE, FUN, HEALTH, NATURE, SLOW DOWN, and SAVOR.  Being in the present moment is hard for many of us, but it is the path to joy.  The season will be gone in a blink and most likely the work will still be there.  

Use strategies that work for you to be in the present moment.

Simplify your summer by giving it a word or theme and intentionally focus on it!  You will be amazed at how this simple act can streamline your thoughts and help you say no the distracting things that take you out of the present moment.

I'm looking forward to bringing reference tools and ways to enjoy them over this summer!  Tune into your summer vibe and truly thrive this year!

Cheers to thriving,

PS - If you missed last week's newsletter about creating a summer bucket list, you can read it HERE - it includes a downloadable bucket list sheet to help you accomplish what you REALLY want :)

Make Your Summer Dreams Your Reality

Career.  Family.  Success.  Get clear on what your dream life looks like so you can create strategies to support it.  A Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values and define what a successful life looks like for you, personally and professionally.  The investment is $299 and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive).  

Having a hard time enjoying this life you working so hard for?  Whether it is to better enjoy this summer or set yourself up for success for the rest of this year, I offer consistent support and accountability for your specific challenges through several coaching package options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide if coaching is a fit.  

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

Scientifically Proven Wellbeing & Happiness

Scientifically Proven Wellbeing & Happiness

Create Your Summer Fun Bucket List

Create Your Summer Fun Bucket List