Celebrate your 2021 Accomplishments NOW!

Celebrate your 2021 Accomplishments NOW!

What Have You Done This Year?

It has been a year of hope, disappointment, joy, pain, and at times, utter chaos.  It has also been another year of you doing everything you do and it is time to CELEBRATE it all!  You deserve to relish in the delight of all that you have accomplished and remember how amazing you are.

You've Done So Much

I know you still have a bunch of things on your to-do list before year-end.  But as it all comes to a close, you deserve to celebrate all that you accomplished this year.

And you have accomplished A LOT.  You have navigated so many twist and turns, so many demands, and so many change of plans. You have finished projects, started new ones, and learned.  You have seen things fail and been part of things that succeeded.  

One of my favorite year-end rituals is to write out all of my accomplishments for the year.  I go back through my calendar to jog my memory and list everything whether it is personal, health, business, family, financial, or community related. 

Once it is all down on paper, I generally have two feelings:  I'm surprised and impressed by how much I have done.  I've interacted with so many different people, joined new initiatives, gained clients, embarked on new journeys, had a positive impact on others, and I've experienced a whole bunch of new things.

Some times my list includes stuff I stopped doing which has been really empowering as well.  Letting go of something that no longer serves me is just as important as taking on something new.

This practice builds up my confidence and reminds me of who I am - I AM A WOMAN WHO GETS STUFF DONE.  Not everything.  Not perfectly.  Not always according to plan.  But I get stuff done, and I do a lot. 

You do too.

Get out your notebook and write out all you've accomplished in 2021.

The people you have helped.  The projects you have take on (personally and professionally).  The networks you have joined or left.  The financial progress you've made.  The places you've seen.  The habits you've instilled.  The things you've learned.  The things you've created.  The ways in which you improved your health (physical and mental). 

As you write it out, feel proud.  It doesn't matter if you set out to do 10 and accomplished 8.  You accomplished 8!!  That is amazing! And you probably accomplished 8 of something you weren't expecting to do, so you've really accomplished 16!

Savor the feeling and let it fuel you.  Let it remind you of who you really are - a self-sufficient person who has everything they need inside of them to take on whatever life throws at them.  

Instead of stressing about all you have left to do over the next two weeks, feel energized and confident knowing you've already done more than enough.

Sure, maybe there is a project due or gifts left to purchase or a few more obligations before year-end.  But after realizing (and I mean really taking it in) everything you are capable of, this last bit will feel a lot less daunting.

I am really proud of my accomplishments this year, some of which include:

  • Completing all requirements for my ICF certification

  • Successfully moving my family from NJ to FL

  • Starting and co-chairing my local YMCA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

  • Increasing the positive impact I've had on clients and organizations by increasing my reach

  • Deepening my relationships with my boys

  • Volunteering in several capacities for the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association (HBA)

  • Handling situations better than I used to, which allowed all of the aforementioned things to happen without feeling chaotic

  • Consistently walking and starting tennis and community workouts

I didn't accomplish everything I had set out to do.  I didn't meet my weight goals.  I didn't start a consistent meditation practice.  But you know what?  That's life.  I did a lot of really satisfying, high-impact things.  I did a lot.  I did more than enough.

And now I can reassess the things I didn't accomplish and figure out if I still want them.  If I do, they will be on my 2022 goals.  And if I don't, then thank goodness I didn't waste too much effort on them.

I want to hear about all that you have done!  Please, email me a few (or your whole list) and let's celebrate them together!  Take this opportunity to practice acknowledging your accomplishments and using your voice to share them.  

This isn't a time to be humble. 

This is the time to step into your full power and own everything you've done and all that you are!

Cheers to celebrating all you've done,

Last Minute Gift Ideas

Finding time for yourself is one of the hardest things in today's crazy world.

What if you were gifted two hours to relax and reflect on your dreams, desires, and goals? And at the end of those two hours you were given a summarized document of your core values and what a fulfilling, successful life means to YOU?

This clarity will help you kick-off 2022 with energy, focus, and a path forward that is fully designed by you. The Life Vision Intensive is a no-commitment way to explore what coaching is as you build your definition of success. The investment is $299 and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session).

Whether it is for you or that person in your life feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or disenchanted with life these days, this is the gift that keeps giving. Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them create the life and opportunities they always wanted. There is so much more value in this process than a $300 gift that gets used and then set aside.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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