Tangible Support for Your Habits

Tangible Support for Your Habits

Do you want tangible support?

January is almost over and most, if not all of my network have lost that "new year, new me" energy that was so enticing on January 1st.  We are now back in the routine and pull of our existing habits and/or struggling to maintain new habits.  I want to offer tangible support to you in the form of daily accountability.

Track Your Habits

What gets measured gets done.  Very true in my corporate experience and pretty true in my personal life as well.  If no one is keeping track of something, it is just as easy to skip as it is to do.

So let's keep track together!  I'm currently using an app called HabitShare.  (I have no affiliation with the app, but I love it so far).  The biggest benefit from the app, in addition to the tracking of habits, is the ability to share them with an accountability partner.

Which is exactly what I have done, and it has helped me execute on my new habits daily.  Why?  Because I hate to fail publicly.  There - I said it! 

My ego still exists, and as much as I have improved my ability to overcome my ego and live from my heart, my ego is actually helping me in my journey to implement new healthier habits.  It is all about using what you've got to your advantage!

So whether you use a habit tracking app for your own personal motivation, or you want to find an accountability partner to help motivate you - give it a try.

Here is where I feel vulnerable [wincing], but if you use the app and want an accountability partner, I will share my habits with you and you can share yours with me.  Tangible, real, daily accountability.

I'm not going to yell at you but I will encourage you.  For me, knowing that someone else can see my progress is accountability enough to push through the discomfort of my new habits and actually do them.

If we connect on the app you will see I am NOT scoring 100% so far (as much as I want to), and yet I am making a lot of progress. 

Progress, not perfection!  That is the name of the game.  Tracking and accountability are part of the support structure that will help you continue your progress towards the life you want to live.

So join me!  As you can tell, this is self-serving as much as it is serving you.  The larger my group of accountability partners, the more motivated I am to succeed.  And I really want to succeed in my new habits because they will help me reach my goals of living a healthier, more fulfilling, more present life. 

Ready to hear what my daily habits are?  Here goes:

  1. Meditate for 15 minutes

  2. Eat at least one vegetable

  3. No eating after 7pm

  4. Drink at least 48 ounces of water

  5. Activity/movement for 45 minutes

Not earth shattering, I know.  And five new habits are more than I recommend.  I've been meeting my activity goal for many years now, which means I can probably stop tracking it.  But it boosts my spirit to see my continued progress on this goal so I keep it in there.

The other four vary in degree of difficulty for me, but I did an honest check with myself before committing to them to see if they were feasible.  I've failed on a couple since I started tracking, but the tracker helps me recommit the following day.  I'm also willing to adjust/add/delete habits as the months go on.

But enough about me - what new habit will help YOU reach YOUR goals?  What is ONE thing you want to incorporate but aren't having success with? 

It can be related to your relationships, career, finances, health, hobbies, or community.  Maybe you want to put your phone in another room for 30 minutes every night to be present with your family.  Or speak up in at least two meetings at work a month.  Or save a certain percentage of your paycheck each period.  Or get to Zumba or dance or chess class at least once a week. 

Whatever it is that will help you move in the direction of your goals and interests, let's make them habits!  We will track them together at first, and then over time you will just do them.

Everything in your life is the result of your daily actions.  Your joy, your stress, your health, your relationships, and your discontent.  There are no shortcuts, life hacks, or fast tracks to a fulfilling life.  The only way to change your life is to change your habits.  And the only way to change your habits is with consistent, daily intention and action.  

Whether you choose to join me or not, give the app a try with a friend.  Again, I am not affiliated in anyway with HabitShare, and there are other apps out there to explore.  Find what works for you!

Whatever you do, stop procrastinating.  Download a habit app NOW.  Fill in ONE habit.  Track it TODAY.  And see how it goes :)

Cheers to your habits and happiness,

PS - A cool feature of the app is you choose which habits to share with which people.  Meaning you can share one health habit with me but keep a more personal relationship habit unshared and for only you to see.  I think this feature is important because there may be things you are working on that aren't ready for the spotlight and scrutiny of others.  Whatever works for you is all that matters!

Let's Make Real Progress

Let's make real progress, not just pretend this year is going to magically get better on its own.  You are busy and it is hard to set aside the time you need to better plan, prioritize, and organize your life.  Let me help.  

Book a Life Vision Intensive.  Together we will get clear on your core values and what an amazing career and life look like for you.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  You will have practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms, and actually enjoy this life you are working so hard for. 

CLICK HERE for details
Investment = $299
Still not sure?  Schedule a free strategy call so I can answer your questions by CLICKING HERE

Start off 2023 with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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