Lessons Learned in Q1

Lessons Learned in Q1

Lessons Learned 

What did you accomplish this past quarter?  What was amazing and what was painful?  Taking a quick inventory of your January through March can help you adjust for a more successful, fulfilling remainder of 2023.  For me, there have been accomplishments, failures, laughter, tears, and some insightful revelations.

Trusting the Process

When we evaluate our lives, we have the opportunity to make intentional adjustments.  But in our busy and demanding schedules, it is easy for time to keep passing without any awareness of what we are doing.

What you aren't changing, you are choosing.

So what are you choosing?  What does your daily routine look like?  How about your relationships, career aspirations, finances, hobbies, and eating habits?  If things are working, double-down on them.  If things aren't working, adjust.

And no matter what - celebrate what you have accomplished!!  So many people keep pushing ahead without taking time to enjoy how far they have already come.  Sure, there is still a lot to do this year. 

Spoiler alert:  There is always a lot to do.

But what is the point of pushing so hard if you never take the time to enjoy what you've already done?

For me, I completed a 7-week Positive Intelligence course with a group of three amazing coaches - material which I will continue to share in these letters and with my coaching clients.  I presented to several different groups of women to help them increase their self-confidence and achieve success.  I've watched many, many of my son's baseball games, took a family ski vacation, completed an application to be a CPE sponsor (more to come on that soon!), and just got back from an AMAZING wellness retreat with a friend.

I've also cried over my inner turmoil about moving back to the island we were displaced from, had days I was entirely unmotivated, started and stopped and failed at habits only to restart again, and questioned my worth.

I connected with several people who fully energized me and had conversations that felt fake because my inner people-pleaser reared its ugly head again.

Overall - I've been up and down.  And guess what?  So has every single other human I know.  Because this is LIFE!

As I reflect, I am examining the things that I didn't enjoy and understanding what I can do differently going forward.  I'm going to schedule more time with the people that energize me.  I'm going to decline more events with people that feel fake or judgy.  I'm going to stick to my habits (maybe?  I'm going to at least try), and continue to be accountable to others to help me stay on my path.

I'm going to lean into the time with my family, friends and clients - these are the moments I enjoy most - and lean out of comparing myself to others.

The biggest lesson I've learned this quarter?  There are a lot of things outside of my control, and I don't even always succeed on the things that are in my control.  But I can start over on any given day to make the most out of tomorrow and the day after that and the next month, quarter and year.

Did I accomplish all my goals?  No.  But so what?  I can either spend time ridiculing myself for my shortcomings or I can celebrate all that I did accomplish and find ways to reach my goals going forward.

This is all any of us can do.

Take a few minutes to honestly and non-judgmentally (that part is really important - DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF HARSHLY) assess where you are right now.  Look at how far you've come since January, do more of what is working and less of what isn't. 

Share your biggest first quarter lessons learned by replying to this email and let me know the thing you are most excited for next quarter!  Let's get excited about this next phase of the year instead of barely dragging ourselves into it.

Cheers to your accomplishments,

Success for Next Quarter

Get clear on what your dream life looks like so you can move forward with ease.  A Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values and define what a successful life looks like for you, personally and professionally.  The investment is $299 (for a limited time before it increases) and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive).  For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first?  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session).  Resolve your curiosity and let's see if this is for you.  Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them make decisions that are aligned with the life they always wanted.  

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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Achieve Success with Less Stress

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