Accountability Tools that WORK!

Accountability Tools that WORK!

Accountability - The Secret Sauce

Are you on track with your New Year's resolutions?  If not, you are not alone.  The secret sauce to reaching your goals is ACCOUNTABILITY.  New habits are hard to stick to without something more than just your motivation to keep you going.  Today I'm sharing a few accountability tools that have worked for me and my clients.  Look through the list, try one, and if it doesn't work after a few weeks, move on to the next!

Accountability Tools

What gets measured gets done.  This is one of the true corporate sayings I've experienced in life.  Beyond just measuring, I believe what you are accountable to also gets done. 

Here are a few accountability tools that have worked for me and my clients when it comes to new habits, reaching your goals, and staying the course:
(I have no affiliation with these, they are just what I've seen work)

Habitshare App -
There are many different habit apps but I recommend this one because it is free AND it lets you share your habits with a friend on the app.  You get the tracking mechanism AND external accountability.  Your accountability partner can see each time you check-off a completed habit and when you haven't!

Taking on a new habit with someone else makes it a lot easier to stick to.  Whether it is eating healthy, being active, speaking up in meetings, or putting down your phone, knowing that someone else is checking up on you helps you do it.  And you can find ways to make it fun, which brings me to my next suggestion:

Yeah, I said it - Snapchat!  Two friends and I exchange our daily intentions each morning using the funny filters.  It has not only helped me stay focused on that day's intention, but it has helped us stay connected without longer phone calls.  Of course I still want to make time for my friends, but in the midst of our busy lives, this has been such an amazing way to stay accountable, stay connected, and get a good laugh at the ridiculous filters we choose!

Calendar Reminders
Not just reminders, but setting aside time in your calendar to ensure other meetings don't take the place of your habit.  If you need to block off 30 minutes between 4-4:30 to start dinner so that you have something to eat when your family gets home, then do it.  Block off your lunch time, workout time, and put in reminders for anything else you need to do.  Think appointments (Dr., hair, networking), checking in on parents, ordering your food delivery, etc.

Connection to an Existing Habit
The most consistent thing I do each day is drink my coffee.  365 days a year I start my day with my coffee, so any new habit I can connect to that has a WAY higher chance of happening.  Connect your new habit to something you always do and soon you will be doing both without thinking about it.

You type your computer password in multiple times per day.  Instead of ILUVP3NGUINS45 - make your password your goal.  Maybe it is EAT!HEALTHY or IAMWORTHY* or SPEAKUPNOW.  This has worked in my life and I keep using it as a tool to help me reach my goals.

Visual Reminders
Post-it notes work!  So does putting your sneakers on top of your computer (to remind you to walk before emails), placing your water bottle next to your phone (to remind you to drink), and placing pictures of your goals where you spend most of your time.  I have a vision board that inspires me on my tough days - it reminds me of my bigger vision when I feel stuck in email and uninspiring tasks.

Delete It
What if your goal is to stop doing something (instead of starting something new)?  You can't do it if you can't access it.  If you want to be on social media less, delete the apps.  If you want to eat less cookies, hide them in the bottom of the pantry and make it annoying to get them out.  If you want to drink less alcohol, go to dinner at BYOB places and don't bring - this way you can't order one.  Eliminate (or reduce) the temptation to help you stay on track.

Feel free to share other accountability tools that I haven't included here (email me), I love to explore new tools!

In the meantime, pick one of these strategies and give it your all for three weeks.  If it doesn't work, give yourself permission to stop and try another one. 

If you treat life as a fun-filled experiment, collecting data and moving forward with curiosity, this entire process can be fun.  If you see each "mess-up" as failure and evidence that you suck, habit change will be torturous and won't work.  

If being hard on yourself worked, it would've worked by now.  But it doesn't.

Pick an accountability tool, give yourself grace, and keep at it!  If you want external support, let's talk about what coaching can look like and how I can help you change your habits and reach your goals.  SCHEDULE A FREE CALL HERE.

Cheers to your new habits,

Stay Accountable to YOUR Dreams

Are you clear on the life you want to live?  Have you defined what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, a Life Vision Intensive will help.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including an empowered start to the new year).

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.  Or check out the details HERE and email me to schedule.  

Start off 2024 with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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