ChatGPT for Everyday Use

ChatGPT for Everyday Use

Practical Uses for ChatGPT

Last week I shared a list of accountability tools and today I'm sharing a productivity tool that I'm sure you have heard of - ChatGPT.  Whether you are for or against AI, whether you've used it a bunch or never tried it, here are a few tips and tricks that can help you in everyday, practical ways.  Why bother with it?  Because of this quote:  "AI will not replace you.  A human using AI will replace you."  Interesting.

Productivity Tool

Ever have a hard time getting started?  Procrastinated on a slide deck or strategy document because starting with a blank piece of paper felt daunting?

I have too.  Many, many times.  And what I've found is getting started is the hardest part.  Once I start a task, even if I can't finish it, moving through takes less time and energy than I usually predict. 

ChatGPT has been helping me get started lately.  This tool, which you can type into or talk into, allows you to ask any question as if you were talking to a friend and it spits out answers instantly.

The best evidence is by example, so here is exactly what I asked ChatGPT:  "Write a 3-5 minute newsletter about how to utilize ChatGPT and keep it personal, directed towards corporate working women with busy lives, and use examples"

This was the result (I didn't change anything):

"In the fast-paced corporate world, finding efficient solutions to enhance productivity is key. Today, I want to share a game-changer that could revolutionize the way you navigate your daily challenges: ChatGPT.

Imagine having a virtual assistant at your fingertips, ready to help with anything from drafting emails to brainstorming ideas. That's the power of ChatGPT – an advanced language model designed to make your work life smoother.

How ChatGPT Can Elevate Your Corporate Journey:

  1. Time-Saving Insights: Let's say you have a tight deadline for a presentation. Instead of staring at a blank screen, use ChatGPT to generate ideas and even draft sections. It's like having a writing partner available 24/7.

    Example: "Dear ChatGPT, help me kickstart my presentation on leadership strategies."

  2. Effortless Communication: Busy schedules often mean overflowing inboxes. ChatGPT can assist in crafting concise and impactful emails. Share your thoughts, and let ChatGPT refine them, ensuring your message is clear and compelling.

    Example: "ChatGPT, refine my email introducing the upcoming project to the team."

  3. Innovative Problem-Solving: Stuck on a complex problem? ChatGPT isn't just for routine tasks. Engage in a conversation to brainstorm solutions, unlock creative ideas, and overcome challenges.

    Example: "ChatGPT, help me brainstorm innovative strategies for our upcoming marketing campaign."

How to Incorporate ChatGPT into Your Routine:

  1. Quick Queries: Pose brief questions to get instant answers. Whether it's industry insights or quick facts, ChatGPT is your virtual knowledge base.

    *Example: "ChatGPT, what are the current trends in our industry?"

  2. Drafting Assistance: Use ChatGPT to outline your thoughts before diving into a document. It streamlines the writing process and ensures a clear structure.

    *Example: "ChatGPT, help me outline the key points for tomorrow's client meeting."

  3. Reflect and Refine: After a hectic day, reflect on your experiences with ChatGPT. Identify areas where it made a difference and adapt your usage for maximum impact.

    *Example: "Reflecting on today, ChatGPT helped me streamline my communication and saved me valuable time."

Remember, ChatGPT is a tool to amplify your capabilities, not replace them. Integrate it seamlessly into your workflow, and witness the positive transformation in your productivity."

Pretty good, right?  

It isn't how I would say it, but it got the point across!  This tool can be your starter - or it can do almost the whole thing.  When you are sitting alone and feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do and/or are having a hard time focusing on one task - type or talk into it for your next best idea or direction.

Caveats:  It only contains data through January 2022.  Do not ask it for the most recent industry trends or who won the last match in the Australian Open.  If you aren't sure where the data came from, ask for its source so you can be sure it is relevant.  Never disclose trade secrets, as it is open source, meaning not confidential.  The data comes from humans, so the results have just as much bias and misunderstanding as the world.  If the majority of data was written by white men over a certain age, then the majority of info within ChatGPT is sourced from white men over a certain age, as an example.  It is a start, not a final answer.  As always, modify it for your purpose.

Best Practices:  Talk to it as you would another human.  If you don't like the response, tell it exactly why and what you need more or less of, and it will keep building upon the responses it gave you similar to a real conversation.  You don't have to restart each prompt with all the info. 

My clients use it for email, amongst other things, and it really helps.  You can reframe an email of "I told you morons 4 months ago this would never work" into a productive, professionally framed response, all before your heart rate starts increasing.

I don't normally use ChatGPT for my newsletters because 1) writing is part of my creative process and I find joy in drafting these and 2) because I want to keep my own style and tone. 

But I am starting to use it for other parts of my business that require new concepts or idea starters.  As a solopreneur, it can often be lonely so it is helpful to have my own "virtual assistant" of sorts to provide feedback.

If the idea of using ChatGPT rubs you the wrong way, ask yourself why.  I had to go through this process - I am never a first adopter of new technology.  I like doing things the way I do them - until the point when I become inefficient or stressed.  

Using a tool isn't cheating.  Reducing the time it takes to draft an email doesn't make you lazy.  In a world where time is our scarcest resource, using this tool is smart.  And all those professional emails you receive?  Well - maybe they were an English major, or maybe they took courses in corporate communications, or maybe they are already using ChatGPT!  You'll never know, and it doesn't matter.

My biggest sticking point - I felt that it couldn't be as good as me - a human.

It isn't as good as me.  But it is amazingly faster than me, provides me with a great start, and helps me get un-stuck.  I take what it gives me and I make it better by applying my human touch, expertise, and view.  

ChatGPT isn't a substitute for you and your expertise - it is a tool to help you spend time on the stuff that differentiates you, instead of spending time on the stuff that drains you.

But AI is the future.  Imagine accountants refusing to use excel when it came out because their ledger paper was "good enough"?  As I stated earlier, "AI won't replace you.  A human using AI will replace you."  Get on board before you get left behind.

Let me know how you are using ChatGPT to boost your productivity or send me an email why you are against it - I love to hear different views!

Cheers to your productivity,

Create Your Dream Life (can't use a tool for this one!)

Are you clear on the life you want to live?  Have you defined what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, a Life Vision Intensive will help.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including an empowered start to the new year).

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.  Or check out the details HERE and email me to schedule.  

Start off 2024 with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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