Why NOW?  A Procrastinator's Perspective

Why NOW? A Procrastinator's Perspective

I'll do it later.....

Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow??  I've been caught in that trap a bunch in my life!  We procrastinate for a variety of reasons, usually dealing with feelings of fear, rejection, competing demands, etc.  It isn't because we are lazy (a major misconception) and there isn't anything "wrong" with us.  But even when we finally get it done, procrastination can negatively affect us by creating unnecessary stress and distracting us from the present moment.  This video brought some laughs and changed my whole perspective.......

Where it matters most

This video hit me hard:  Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator by Tim Urban. It is 14 minutes long and TOTALLY worth it.  (I know, you'll get to it later, right?)

Take the time to watch it NOW.

But because you - procrastinators - are my people, I will also summarize it here knowing that you are likely putting it off until later ;)

Tim talks about how many of us procrastinate until the deadline becomes so close that we can't wait any longer.  All of a sudden we feel the urgency, we get our butts in gear, and we do the thing.  

We create a lot of extra stress, but the deadline comes, we finish it, and then we recover.  Overall, things are ok.  So while it isn't a great process, for many people it works because the deadline stops the procrastination at some point.

But what happens when there isn't a deadline?  

What about all of the very important things we can put off indefinitely:  our health, relationships, personal growth, forgiveness, etc.?

And it hit me like a ton of bricks.  Procrastination on my projects creates some avoidable stress in my life.  But my procrastination on these bigger, more important but undefined-by-time things creates true suffering.

Procrastinating on the decisions that quite literally determine our success, fulfillment, and future is damn-near deadly.  

I heard last week that a former colleague of mine, same exact age, died unexpectedly.  Although we aren't close, it took my breath away.

It made me think: am I spending my time on the things that really matter?  Or am I kicking the can down the road betting on the fact that I can get to it later?

Am I investing in healthy habits?  (the answer to this is yes, much more than I ever have, but still not as much as I would like)  Am I having the conversations needed to strengthen my closest relationships?  Am I spending my time with the people I love most?  Am I doing the things that energize me?

Or am I hiding behind what I think I "should" do?  Am I staying comfortable because, you know, tomorrow is the day to do hard things?

For me, I am working hard at prioritizing the most important things in my life with varying degrees of success.  When I declare something out loud or have an accountability partner my chances of taking action are 10X higher.  

Whether that accountability partner is a coach, counselor, friend, my habit tracking app (I use all of these for different portions of my life), I know they help TREMENDOUSLY.

Find what works for you.  THIS ISN'T EASY and I know it.  But if you want a fulfilling, successful life, you need to start DOING something to improve your circumstances.

Maybe you need to create a deadline for the things that don't inherently have one.  Discussion with partner about what isn't working by end of month.  Asking boss for the promotion by next Friday.  Throwing away all cookies in the pantry and buying salad ingredients this Saturday.  

And then stick with it.  Find an accountability partner.

As dull as it sounds to slap a deadline onto the most fulfilling parts of life, it may be the most practical way to make them happen.

Because let's be real - if you knew your deadline (the day you will die), wouldn't it be easier to focus on what is REALLY important? 

Would you have a stronger reason to say no to the endless distractions in life?  (Social media, TV, pointless meetings, saying yes to things you don't really want to do out of guilt or obligation, fake conversations, surface-level people, etc.)

I am open to any other strategies you have.  But before you put this away for later - watch Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator and let it sink in.

Cheers to taking action NOW,

Support and Action You Can Take NOW

You deserve a life you love before it is too late.  I can help you gain clarity on how to enjoy life AND succeed, and the tools you need to make it happen.  Whether it is to better enjoy the present moment or to set yourself up for success going forward, I offer clarity sessions, consistent support, and accountability through several options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide what's best for you.  Do it now - it takes 30 seconds!  No need to procrastinate on this one.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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