Make Magic Happen!  Create Your 2022 Vision

Make Magic Happen! Create Your 2022 Vision

Your 2022 Vision

This is your LIFE!  So create the life you want.  Get clear on your vision of all of it - who you are spending time with, the home and landscape you are surrounded by, the amount of money in your bank account, the type of work you do, the relationships you have, and the community you are part of.

Creating this vision is the first and critical step to getting closer to it.  Forget resolutions as we start the new year.  Instead, build out your vision and let it guide your actions as you move forward.  Not sure where to start?

Creating Your Vision

Dream big!  The point of your vision is to EXCITE you and to give you the energy to go for it even if it looks nothing like what you have today.

I work with many professionals who are analytical, rational, smart, and used to making decisions based on the reality of the situation so sometimes it is hard for them to dream "outside the box". 

The limitations of "I have to live here because this is where my job is" or " I would never have that much money" or "That isn't within my reach" can get in the way of their true desires.  They are so used to being practical and succeeding that it feels scary to dream too big in fear that they will never achieve it.

But if you keep picturing what you have, that is what you will get more of.  If you are visualizing only a small incremental improvement it might not excite you enough to go after it.

The key is to block out all the noise - all the things society, your family, and your industry tells you is the norm.  Block out all the limiting beliefs you have about what is possible.  Remove the limitations of money and time and just DREAM!

Once you get to this level, really start visualizing what you want and what those things bring to you.  This is important because sometimes the first thing we want isn't the underlying thing we want, it is just the symbol of it.

You might want a larger home, but the real reason could be to entertain more, to have room for a music studio,  to create a creative space for your hobby, or to move a family member in so you can be closer.  In this scenario envision the larger home but keep it going and envision all the things you want in it and WHY.

Once you are clear on your WHY you can start aligning your actions to your vision.  Maybe a larger home isn't accessible yet (big YET here - time changes everything).  But making time for your music or cleaning out a corner for your meditation mat is accessible.

And this is how it works - you keep taking actions that support your larger vision (and start saying no to the things that get in the way).

When you start with what is accessible, you feed your soul.  You feed your dreams and they become bigger, bolder, and closer every day.

If you keep your vision front and center, you start to make decisions because you WANT to do something, not because you have to do it or because you are on autopilot.  You start making micro decisions that are less about what you are "supposed" to do and more about what you desire.

Resolutions don't work.  Look at the research, think back to your own in the past, and let go of the idea that you can just state something because it is a new year and you will magically find the willpower and ability to make it happen.

This isn't a criticism of you - this is the reality of the fact that making a proclamation without a system in place to get you there is just a wish set up to fail.

By creating your vision, you are literally creating your future desired state and while it doesn't automatically come with action steps, it becomes easier to make decisions and take actions aligned with it.  

Why?  Because once you get clear on your vision and really face it - it will light you up.  And it will become more than just a far fetched dream.  It will become something worth focusing on, working towards, and adjusting things for.

Once you get clear on the fact that you really want to be a healthy yogi (as an example), you start saying yes to yoga class and no to binging Netflix.  You talk to others that are interested in Yoga and you read more about it.  You say no to things that oppose Yoga values because those things no longer align with who you want to be.  And it keeps on going from there.

I created my vision years ago when I was positive that it wasn't possible.  I would have bet you $1 million back then that it wouldn't come true.  Yet there was this glimmer of hope and child-like fantasy inside me that said "but it can't hurt to dream about it".

Five years later and almost everything in that vision is true - I spend more time outdoors being active, I am healthier, I spend more time with my family, I have more connected relationships (and a lot less transactional, draining relationships where I was performing and never really myself), I contribute to my community, and I am building a business that feels aligned with who I want to be instead of what people wanted me to be.

This is a VERY far cry from the people-pleasing, perfectionist, "I can do it all as a working mom" corporate accountant I used to be.  You know, the same woman who was smiling in meetings and crying in the women's room because I was so miserable and stressed but couldn't let anyone know.

I get it!  I know it sucks to be living a life that fits society's expectations but still doesn't light you up.  It's horrible and draining and depressing.  But we see so many people around us doing it too that we just assume this is the way it is.

Life is not meant to be endured. 

Life is meant to be LIVED!  Life is meant to make you want to get up in the morning and experience it.  It isn't all easy or fun, but it can be wildly fulfilling.

But I know you are tired, you are busy, and you are trying to take it all in right now - the constant changes, the stress, the frustrations, the disappointments, the weight of these past two years - all of it.

You are trying to get by right now thinking you will have time soon to focus on yourself.

Spoiler alert - soon never comes.  You need to intentionally set aside time to create your vision so that 2022 isn't just another year that you endure. 

Make this year have purpose.  Create your own fire and excitement by dreaming so big it lights you up.

If you can't find the time or focus to do it alone, then find the support you need.  Do it with a friend or partner, find a group, or let me lead you through a Life Vision Intensive.

Because you deserve to enjoy this life you are working so hard for!  And you deserve to live a life of purpose and excitement as you make your vision your reality.

Cheers to your 2022 vision,

Create Your Vision

Start off the New Year with clarity on the life you really want.

Create the energy, focus, and path forward that is fully designed by you! The Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values and define what a successful life looks like for you, personally and professionally. The investment is $299 (for a limited time before it increases) and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session). Resolve your curiosity and let's see if this is for you. If not, then you've checked one more thing off your list as you pursue your desires for 2022!

Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them create the life and opportunities they always wanted.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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