My Word for 2024 is......

My Word for 2024 is......

What is your word for 2024?

And why even have one?  Choosing a word for the year anchors you to one thing that is important to you.  It is easy, it is literally one word, and it can be a way to ground yourself when you are feeling stressed, off course, or uninspired.  It is more reliable than a resolution and in my experience with clients (and myself), it WORKS!  It helps you focus on that ONE thing, consistently over time.  So how do you choose your word?

Get Clear on What You Want

What do you want more of this year?  What do you need?  And what one word will help inspire you to achieve more of that?

Forget resolutions - you aren't going to magically get fit or have more patience or get that promotion just because you said so and it happens to be the start of a new year.  In order to reach your goals, you need a clear plan and a structure of support, which I help clients with on a regular basis.  

Choosing your word for the year is a simpler way to remind yourself of what you want more of.  It isn't your full vision or your specific goals (which are also important), but it is a practical way to be intentional on a consistent basis.

My word for 2024 is NOW.  There are three phrases that come to mind when I think of this word: 1) Be Here Now, 2) Do It Now, and 3) Have Fun Now.

I want to be more present with myself, my family, and my friends.  I want to stop living in the future and constantly planning.  Sure, some things need to be planned, but most times I'm doing things so I can have fun later.  

This year I want to have more fun and enjoy what I have instead of constantly being focused on what I still need to accomplish. 

Not sure what you want your word to be?  Join me on January 1st for a Fun, Fresh Start, a virtual session capturing the magic of January 1st to set intentions.  Not half-hearted, disappointing resolutions that you won't achieve - but REAL clarity on what you want in 2024 and a path to get it.

It will be fun, there will be music and laughs, and it will energize you to start the year in a way that feels GOOD.  There will be time to focus on your word for the year, as well as your goals. 

Is it crazy to host an event on January 1st?  Maybe.  But most of my network spends the day regretting what they ate the past month, anxiously dreading work the next day, and pretending to be excited about the year.

Not this year!  Come in your PJs, come hung over, come with a friend - whatever you want!  This is YOUR year.  Give it a Fun, Fresh Start :)

Date:  Jan 1st
Time:  11am ET (60-minute virtual Zoom)
Cost: $49
Includes workbook and helpful tools to take with you

I'm looking forward to seeing you there :)

Cheers to a Fun, Fresh Start to 2024,
Register Here:

Want More Support to Achieve Your Goals?

Resolutions don't stick.   But goals aligned with the life you want to live are achievable once you have clarity and support. 

Are you clear on the life you want to live?  Have you defined what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, a Life Vision Intensive will help.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including an empowered start to the new year).

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.  Or check out the details HERE and email me to schedule.  

Start off 2024 with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.



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