Finding the RIGHT Support!

Finding the RIGHT Support!

The Support You Need Exists

Finding it is often the overwhelming part.  Starting is the key.  So here are 3 quick and easy ways to get past the overwhelm and find what you need.

  1. Identify what you need

  2. Ask for it

  3. Make the time for it

What do you need?

Sometimes the hardest question to answer is "What do I need?" or "What will help?", especially if you are feeling overwhelmed already. 

Inside you know what you need.  It may not be accessible to you right now due to society's expectations, focusing on others' needs, and/or not being in touch with your inner self due to your busy schedule and relentless demands.

It is ok.  Take one minute right now and think of one thing that you feel you need.

Rest.  Calm. Help taking care of your kids/parents/partner.  A new job.  Less work.  Healthy food.  A hug.  To reconcile with someone.  To get something off your chest. 

Whatever it is, identify it.

If you are part of an organization, you likely have benefits that can help you.  So many organizations offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), Wellness programs, and a host of benefits. 

It is often unclear and overwhelming to figure out how to access these things, what they offer, and how to sign up.  The last thing you want when you are busy is another thing on your to-do list such as "find benefits".

But it likely won't take as long as you think it will.  If you are so stressed and/or depressed you can't focus, therapy will help.  Your insurance covers this, there are telehealth and on-demand options, and your organization may offer specific help such as grief counseling, caretaker support, divorce support, financial support, yoga and meditation programs, wellness programs, etc.

There are food prep services, nursing support, overnight nurses for feedings for new moms, pet services, children with special needs services, drug/alcohol addiction rehabs and support for the loved ones, all types of "addict" support (shopping, sex, gambling, internet, etc), coaches to help with your career, health, etc.  It all exists. 

Getting started is the hardest part.  If you absolutely cannot stomach the idea of figuring it out, find someone who can.  Maybe a work friend or contact in HR can help.  Be specific in your request. 

Don't ask "Can you help me access benefits?"  Instead, ask "I feel like I can't take this anymore and I need the link to access therapist/counselor/wellness benefits offered.  Please don't send me to the general intranet page, I need a direct link to sign-up this week."

It may feel vulnerable.  You may feel like you don't need this type of support, that you don't have time for it, or that you shouldn't need it.

None of those thoughts are true.  We all need support right now, you can make the time for it, and you should take care of yourself.

Once you find the resource - share it.  This may also feel super vulnerable.  But there is no better way to normalize seeking support than to model it.

Yes, easier said than done.  But it can be that easy if you take the first step, which is to get started.

Identify what you need.
Ask for it.
Make the time for it.

If you don't have employee sponsored programs, or your offerings don't have what you need, email me.  Yes, take one easy step and email me.  Depending on your need I can look up resources for you in your area.  

I've had too many recent conversations with really smart, amazing, talented women who are at their breaking point.  And it pisses me off that it has to get to that point before they are given/seek the support they need.

I'm not pissed at them of course.  I'm mad that we, women especially, are expected to keep doing and doing and doing until we can't anymore.  

Sure, it is each person's responsibility to create and enforce healthy boundaries.  But that work is only possible once you stop the bleeding.  First you need the correct support to solve the immediate need.

Everyday you are working towards your success or your demise.  There is no in-between.  I know that sounds dramatic and a little doomsday, but it has been proven to me over and over, too many times to count.  

I have too many examples of women who will "just get through this quarter", just to see them struggle for an entire extra year, start to perform poorly, lose or quit their job, and then in hindsight recognize they should've gotten the support they needed sooner.

And women who are fed up with their partner's behavior. But hey, "they've been this way for 20 years so they aren't going to change".  Then upon divorce mediation they actually dive into the issues, reconcile, and realize they could've made these improvements years before if they would've been honest and willing.

Women who swear that after this project they will get back to their health, and then three years later are telling me about a preventable diagnosis and now the time they are missing from work and the health care costs are 10x what they would have been had they dealt with it at the get-go.

"Everyone has it tough", "This is just the way it is", "What can a therapist/counselor/coach help me with?", "I just need a better job/boss/opportunity", "Who the hell has time for that?"

If any of these sound familiar, then you are the exact person I am talking to.  Maybe it isn't clear to you right now how it will help.  But ignoring it absolutely will NOT help.  

The support you need exists.  (There are literally people who will plan your pet's birthday party, for real!)  Trust me when I say that there are professionals in all areas that can help you figure out what you need and how to fill that need.

But you have to take the first step because no one is going to do it for you.

Identify what you need.
Ask for it.
Make the time for it.

The happiest, most successful people I know ask for help and accept it.  They don't suffer in silence.  They identify their needs BEFORE the breakdown, ask for help, and make the time for the support that will help them.

Cheers to getting what you need to succeed,

Support for Today and Tomorrow

What do you really want in life, and how can you achieve it?  I help clients gain clarity on the life they really want and remove the obstacles in the way.  The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.   

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  Whether it is this one call, ongoing coaching, or a workshop to bring into your organization - I meet you where you are to help you get where you want to go.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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