The Power or Asking

The Power or Asking

Asking is Self-Care

Ask and you shall receive – or so the quote goes.  One of the biggest acts of self-care is to clearly and unequivocally ask for what you want.  Whether the response is positive or not, you will learn a lot about what is possible, what isn't, and that gray area in-between.

Empowered Voice

There is no magic wand to create a perfect life.  If you want a fulfilling life and career, it requires consistent, intentional actions that support your goals. 

One concrete way to help yourself is to ask for what you need.  Sit down and write out your ideal scenario.  From there, prioritize what is most important to you and decide what you actually need in order to achieve it. 

Do you need your partner or children to take over laundry responsibilities?  Do you need to ask your boss for time off?  Do you need opportunities for growth or internal support for your career?

Do you need some time each evening to yourself to work out, read or just relax without anyone else around?  Do you need to talk to someone, such as a friend, therapist, coach, or other professional?

Once you decide what you need, decide who you need to ask and set up time to ask for it.  No one is a mind reader. As much as I wish people would just provide what I need and do what I want, it isn't reality.

You must overcome your hesitation and ASK.  You may not get everything you ask for, but it opens the door for a two-way conversation to find a positive path forward.  (If this is difficult for you, I've helped dozens of women build this skill - let's chat - you can SCHEDULE HERE)

Then ask that person what they need.  Really hear them.  See if there is a way to help each other.  Talking through your needs can help you process your feelings and provide clarity on what your next best step is.  And having this open dialogue can greatly increase mutual understanding of each other’s situations, whether it is at home or at work. 

We all need something right now, and it’s possible that we all need something different.  By identifying it and asking for it, you are taking back some control over your life.  And by being open and vulnerable about what you are experiencing right now, you are opening the door of humanity. 

It may not feel comfortable.  But the strongest, most successful women I know ask for help regularly.  They realize that asking for support doesn't imply weakness.  It implies we are human.  And it implies that we are stronger together.  Which we definitely are.

When we are willing to put our humanity before our productivity and truly be there for each other, we all win.  Let’s find ways to truly see each other, as humans weathering the ups and downs of life, in our own imperfect ways.  Humans who deserve to express their needs and have them met. 

Let’s find ways to be kind to ourselves so that we can extend that kindness to others.  Because together, we can make a lot of progress.  And when we ask for what we need, we can get through it a little easier.

Wishing you health, peace and everything you ask for,  

What Will You Ask For?

Are you clear on what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, I can help you figure it out and create a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life.  Together we can create a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm. 

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss where you are and what you want by CLICKING HERE.   I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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