Ever Want To Run Away?

Ever Want To Run Away?

Need a reset?

Ever fantasize about running away and starting a new life?  Ever feel that overwhelming feeling of "I can't do this anymore?"  You aren't alone.  In our fantasy about abandoning our life, what we are really trying to do is abandon ourselves.  And because starting a new life is hard, we find other ways to abandon ourselves through escape activities.  But what if a reset is easier than you think?

Simple Reset Choices

Overwhelm will make you feel like everything is a mess.  If you take one step to get out of overwhelm, you can use your big brain (the prefrontal cortex) to make reasonable, rational choices that will ACTUALLY help.

Glennon Doyle states this concept beautifully in her book Untamed, so I am including it here for your benefit.  Your reset is a glass of water away - but your overwhelm is keeping you stuck and tricking you into thinking the solution is complicated.

From Untamed:
"Remember those Staples commercials years ago?  A group of people in an office would get stressed about something, and a red "easy" button would appear out of nowhere.  Someone would press that button, and the whole office would be transported out of their stress and into a pain-free place.

"Easy" buttons are the things that appear in front of us that we want to reach for because they temporarily take us out of our pain and stress.  They do not work in the long run, because what they actually do is help us abandon ourselves.

"Easy" buttons take us to fake heaven.  Fake heaven always turns out to be hell.  You know you've hit an "easy" button when, afterward, you feel more lost in the woods than you did before you hit it. 

I keep a handwritten poster in my office titled "Easy Buttons and Reset Buttons."  On the left are the things I do to abandon myself.  On the right are my reset buttons, the things I can do to make staying with myself a little more possible.

Reading mean reviews
Inhaling loads of sugar and passing out

Drinking a glass of water
Take a walk
Take a bath
Practice yoga
Go to the beach and watch the waves
Play with my dog
Hug my wife and kids
Hide the phone

My reset buttons are just little things.  Big thinking is the kryptonite of high and low folks like me.  When everything is terrible and I hate my life and I feel certain that I need a new career, a new religion, a new house, a new life, I look at my life and remember that what I really need is probably a glass of water."

End quote.

Does this resonate for you?  It does for me.  My list is very similar to hers, so I've been keeping my water bottle closer to my side and reminding myself to hit my Reset buttons instead of my Easy buttons.

Easy is so tempting, but Resetting is the answer you want and need.

Write out your Easy buttons and Reset buttons, and put them someplace visible like Glennon did.  Practice your reset buttons and see how it helps improve your mood, your relationships, and your career.

Sometimes big change is necessary.  Make those big changes from a clear mind that is fully connected to you, your values, and a thorough processing of your next-best-choices.  (If you want help finding that clarity, book a free call with me HERE.)

Big changes made to escape are rarely the right answer.

You deserve to enjoy this life you are working so hard for.  And it may be closer than you think - you just have to stop abandoning yourself, reset, and choose YOU.

Cheers to your reset,

Find Your Reset Buttons

Are you clear on what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, I can help you figure it out and create a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life.  Together we can create a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm. 

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss where you are and what you want by CLICKING HERE.   I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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