From Burnout to Reinvention

From Burnout to Reinvention

Who do you want to be?

If you aren't clear, think about who you do NOT want to be.  No one I know wants to feel burnt out, yet so many in my network are.  So how do you transform from burnout to reinvention?  From overwhelmed to excited?  I was a guest on Shannon Johnston's True HR podcast talking about exactly this topic - listen HERE.

Love Yourself

Burnout results from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.  To overcome it, you have to find ways to successfully manage your stress, which involves knowing your needs and setting healthy boundaries around them.

Tired of hearing about burn out, boundaries, and needs?  Me too.  But the reason we keep hearing about it is because too many of us aren't doing anything about it.

Love yourself enough to honor your needs.  That is the recipe to overcoming and avoiding burnout - to honor your needs over everyone else's wants and demands.  To really listen to that inner voice and raise it up over the noise of the outside world.

Not only will this revive you from burn out, it will help you transform into the person you truly want to be.  You can reinvent yourself at any point in your life. 

Your reinvention can be wholesale - changing almost everything in your life in a fiery manner, or it can be understated - shifting things slowly over time as you discover who you truly want to be.

I think many people think of reinvention as a stressful, heavy lift, overhauling every aspect of who they are.  In reality we have the ability to reinvent ourselves every day through intentional choices.

Whatever you aren't changing, you are choosing. 

Read it again.  Whatever you aren't changing, you are choosing.  So if you want to feel different and BE different, you need to DO something different.

No one I know will admit that they are choosing stress and burn out.  But they aren't changing any of their behaviors, so in essence, they are choosing it. 

It takes courage and healthy boundaries to make choices that honor your needs.  You have to be willing to say no, even if it means disappointing others.  You have to get over your FOMO (fear of missing out).  You have to trust that what is meant for you exists, and that many of the things you are doing are actually meant for someone else.

You need to proactively make choices that rejuvenate you and help you manage your stress or you will end up so burnt out you will be forced to attend to your needs at the cost of your relationships, health, and/or career.

For a more in-depth discussion around the signs of burnout, ways to reinvent yourself, and tips for bringing this concept into your organization, listen to this PODCAST from True HR.  Shannon Johnston, founder of True HR, provides HR solutions that will transform your business and empower your people. 

Our discussion was fun, insightful, and based on our shared experiences of personal and professional burnout, and how we have overcome them.

Let our experiences inform you so you can avoid the full downward spiral.  Wherever you are right now, know that it is never too late to reinvent yourself and that change is POSSIBLE.

I know you want more from life than the stress and overwhelm you are feeling.  I know you want to feel excited and energized without losing yourself in your pursuits.  I know that there is more to life than this.  And I know you can be successful AND happy - if you are willing to choose yourself FIRST.

When you reinvent yourself from burnt out to thriving you inspire others to do the same.  Imagine a world where everyone's needs were being met and we were all interacting from a place of health, strength, and joy?

That's the world I want to live and work in!

Cheers to your reinvention,

PS - I have reinvented myself many times - some large, some mundane.  I've transformed from drinker to sober, from childless to mother, from accountant to coach, from Jersey Girl to sun-worshipping Floridian, and from insecure to being confident in my capabilities.  None of these happened overnight.  They all took awareness, support, and consistent actions aligned with my new identity so that my old one didn't creep back in.  If I can do it, you can too.  If you want support, I can help.

Who do you want to be?

Get clear on the life you REALLY want (not the life society says you should live).  You are busy and it is hard to set aside the time you need to better plan, prioritize, and organize your life.  Let me help.  

Book a Life Vision Intensive.  Together we will get clear on your core values and what an amazing career and life look like for you.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  You will have practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms, and actually enjoy this life you are working so hard for. 

CLICK HERE for details
Investment = $299
Still not sure?  Schedule a free strategy call so I can answer your questions by CLICKING HERE

Reinvent yourself with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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