Is It Good or Is It Bad?  (It Feels Bad)

Is It Good or Is It Bad? (It Feels Bad)

Is it Good or Bad?

I don't think many will argue that a natural disaster is bad.  My family and I are happy to be alive, safe, and establishing a new home after being displaced from Sanibel Island due to Hurricane Ian.  It has felt very, very overwhwelming and "bad" on all accounts.  But I read this story a few months ago and it has helped me in my darkest moments:

Who Knows What is Good and What is Bad (A Taoist Story)

“When an old farmer’s stallion wins a prize at a country show, his neighbor calls round to congratulate him, but the old farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The next day some thieves come and steal his valuable animal. His neighbor comes to commiserate with him, but the old man replies, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

A few days later the spirited stallion escapes from the thieves and joins a herd of wild mares, leading them back to the farm. The neighbor calls to share the farmer’s joy, but the farmer says, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?”

The following day, while trying to break in one of the mares, the farmer’s son is thrown and fractures his leg. The neighbor calls to share the farmer’s sorrow, but the old man’s attitude remains the same as before.

The following week the army passes by, forcibly conscripting soldiers for the war, but they do not take the farmer’s son because he cannot walk. The neighbor thinks to himself, “Who knows what is good and what is bad?” and realizes that the old farmer must be a Taoist sage. ” ~ From “The Tao Book and Card Pack” by Timothy Freke

This story is a lesson that is easier read than implemented.  Believe me - all of this feels bad right now, in the moment.  But this story gives me hope that a set of events have been put in motion that I cannot yet understand or judge.

But unlike this Taoist - I refuse to ignore the "good".  I give thanks for and celebrate what feels good in my life in that moment. 

Detachment will prevent pain.  But for me, it also prevents joy.  So I allow myself to attach somewhat, while having the awareness not to get too attached or sucked into any one idea, person, or thing fully.

I believe that the year of living in my dream location and celebrating life while I was there filled my heart and mind with positivity.  I created a bank account of relationships, health, and stability that I am drawing down heavily upon right now.

I am grateful for all of your support, generosity, kind words, and connections.  I appreciate your patience as I get myself and my family settled so that I can once again be fully focused on supporting you.

(We have found a rental and a new school for our children, we are well on our way to finding normalcy and establishing our future thanks to all of our friends and family).

We are all affected by the "hurricanes" of life and loss - whether it is a job, career, relationship, the idea of what you thought your life would look like, your financial situation, etc. 

But before you go to that dark place where it all looks so bad, I ask you to remember this story.  

Celebrate your wins.  Be grateful for what you have.  Remove yourself from judgment and try to find peace with what is.

And when it feels bad, remember that it isn't the end of your story.  Because who knows that is good and what is bad?   Only time will tell.

Cheers to your future,

How You Can Help

You can help my family and I most by helping yourself. Reach out and find the support that will help you decrease stress and increase joy. Find the support that will help you live the life you've always imagined.

If that support includes the potential for a coach or workshop at your organization, then schedule a call to discuss how I can help you/your organization by CLICKING HERE.

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms. I have never been afraid of work. I am not seeking charity, but I am looking to build my business to create greater stability for my family.

My displacement situation is challenging me to my max. I am leaning hard on the resiliency model I teach and on all of the concepts that I coach - including talking with other coaches during this time to help me process my thoughts. Now more than ever, I can tell you I am walking my talk and that there is a path to greater joy and resiliency.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck. I've helped so many people reclaim their life. I can help you too.

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