Clutter-free Gifts for Giving and Receiving

Clutter-free Gifts for Giving and Receiving

Gift Giving and Receiving

We all have too much stuff, too much stress, and not enough TIME.  Instead of adding to the stuff and stress of the season, focus on intentional gift giving (and receiving) that provides more quality time, memories, experiences, and impact.  Here are some concepts to consider and gift ideas that will take some of the burden off you:

Declutter Your Space and Your Mind

What do you really want this season? 

Most of my clients want less stress and more time to enjoy themselves.  They want less obligations and more things that actually bring joy, relaxation, and some of that intangible "holiday spirit".

One area that causes stress (mentally and financially) is gift giving.  If someone on your list has a specific request, then it is easy!  But otherwise, it gets expensive and time consuming to get gifts for each person and we lose the meaning behind the gift. 

This year - focus on the feeling instead.  Most people want time, the ability to be in the present moment, and experiences that create memories.  In a world where almost everything is at our fingertips, the thing that is hardest to find is presence and focus.

Give (and ask for) experience gifts.  Things that give the space and time to be present.  Tickets to a show, park, or concert.  A massage, spa, or yoga certificate.  A dinner date out, an offer to babysit, or a house cleaner.  A cooking class, dance class, or personal trainer.

And be willing to ask for the same.  Instead of saying "we don't need anything", get honest.  What do you need?  

Less stress?  More time?  A cleaner house?  Someone to take the dog out on frigid mornings?  Groceries that show up on your doorstep?

And then ask for it.  CLEAR is KIND. 

Let others know that your house is full and your clutter is driving you crazy.  Let people know that you don't want to spend your time reorganizing closets to fit new gifts.  Let them know that you value them and you'd prefer a gift that gives you back your time, your sanity, and your ability to be present.

For those relatives whose love language is gift giving, this can be hard.  So when all else fails, ask for consumables - anything you will eat or use up.  One of my favorite gifts from my sister to my kids was movie gift certificates, with the big box of candy wrapped up so they had something to open.  I've also received a massage gift certificate with a detoxifying face mask to use at my home.

The key is to reclaim this time of year for what you REALLY want.  More joy, more presence (not more presents!), and more time to just BE.  Make time to celebrate with friends and family (or to travel far, far away from them) and close out the year with ease, love, and rejuvenation.

CLICK HERE for a link to 52 Clutter-Free Gifts for more inspiration. 

This year I've asked for Christmas tree ornaments (to replace the ones I lost) and experience gifts to spend more quality time with my family.  I love gifts that are small (and are packed away most of the year) and bring a smile to my face when I think of the person who gifted it to me. 

Other gifts that have brought tears of joy to my eyes are the texts, calls, and emails of support and gratitude from family, friends, and clients.  Don't underestimate what a heartfelt letter can mean to someone else in your life. 

Less stuff.  More meaning.  More joy.

Cheers to a stress-free, clutter-free holiday,

Want a Meaningful Gift Idea?

Give the gift of clarity.  I offer a Life Vision Intensive coaching session that will help you (or your loved one) define what a fulfilling life looks like.  The recipient will walk away with a written definition of what success means to them in all aspects of life and provide a clear path to achieving their goals with less stress and overwhelm.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including an empowered start to the new year).

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you or someone you love by CLICKING HERE.  Or check out the details HERE and email me for an electronic gift certificate.  This is the gift that won't take up space and will help for years to come!  (Investment = $299)

This is the gift that changes people's lives for the better.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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