Who is Supporting YOU?  Downloadable Org Chart

Who is Supporting YOU? Downloadable Org Chart

You are the CEO of your life

Every good CEO knows their success is dependent on the people they hire to support them.  As the CEO of your life, it is up to you to find, cultivate, and attract the support you need to live the life you desire.  Use this simple template (DOWNLOAD HERE) to create your own personal organizational chart to ensure you have the right support systems, and to identify where you may need more.

Supporting Your Success

No one gets through this life alone.  You can't succeed without others.  Most of us are supporting so many others in our lives, but don't put a lot of thought into who is supporting us.

Organizations have org charts which clearly define who supports who and which function they are in.  This clarity is necessary to keep track of roles and responsibilities, and also to identify when there is an open need so that hiring can happen.

Organizations that don't have the required individuals to support their goals either fail at their objectives or succeed temporarily until they burn out their people.  Then they spend countless amounts of time, energy, and money replacing the revolving door of exiting employees while suffering in the meantime.

To be successful in life, we need to create our personal organizational chart and ensure we have the right people in each area to support our goals and dreams.  We need to have support for our health, family, career, relationships, finances, and who we want to be in our community.

Download the template for your personal org chart (DOWNLOAD HERE) and complete it.  Notice where you have empty boxes and determine if you need more support in that area.  You may notice that certain areas you have more than enough people supporting you, and others you may have no one.  

This idea was brought to my attention during a conversation with an amazing woman in my network.  She created something similar to help her understand who she can rely on while working towards her goals.  

It left me curious as to what my personal org chart would look like, and I am happy to say that I have a pretty robust group of people that I have intentionally hired, built relationships with, and attracted into my life that help me in all aspects.

This is why I am happy, fulfilled and successful!  I'd love to sit here and tell you "It's all me!  I'm amazing!  I can do it all!"  But that is a complete lie.  I am happy, fulfilled, and successful because of the many amazing people in my life that support me.

I have room to grow, breathe, and enjoy life because I am no longer trying to do it all on my own.  I have learned (the hard way) that trying to do it all myself leaves me feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and miserable.  When I connect and rely on others, I accomplish more while stressing less.

There is this myth that being "independent" means doing it all yourself.  That is a lie.  Being independent means you have the freedom to make decisions that best support the life you want to live. 

The happiest and most successful people I know are independent thinkers who have massive support systems of people they rely on every day.  

I'm sharing the details of my personal org chart here so you can get a feel, but yours will likely look very different. There are others who support me throughout my life, but here is my high-level overview:

My health is supported by my accountability partners for working out, my therapist (mental health is health), my primary care physician and some of my specialist doctors.

My family is supported by my husband (who takes on at least half, if not more, of the childrearing and household responsibilities), my sister (who helps me plan and execute family functions as well as being an understanding ear), my mother and stepmother (who love and take my kids when we want time away), and our school and after-school program that ensure my boys are educated and cared for.

My career is supported by my business coach (who helps me strategize, plan, execute, and stay on track), my mentors, other coaches who share information, my collaboration partner for our Wellness for Success series, and my network who recommend me as I build my business.

My relationships are supported by my best friends who remind me who I am and support my desires, and new local "connectors" who I have become friends with.  *These connectors are so important - they are the ones who will lead you to more of the people that you can truly be yourself with while doing the things that are most meaningful to you.*

My finances are supported by our financial advisor, our tax accountant, and my husband who helps sort out all the tax preparation stuff (I hate taxes!).  My husband also keeps track and pays most of our bills, although I'm responsible for some and I ensure I stay in the know.

My sense of community is supported by the amazing women I have met within the Healthcare Businesswomen's Association (HBA), my fellow guide community at Chief, my children's PTA president, and a few friends I've met locally that help me get involved in the causes that matter most to me.  My desire to give back was most recently supported by the Board of my local YMCA in NJ, however with my move last year to FL, I have since resigned from that board and am now exploring new local opportunities.  

But enough about me. 

Who supports YOU?  Fill out your personal org chart and be the most fulfilled, most successful, and most joyous CEO of your life that you can be!

Cheers to creating your personal org chart,

Want help with your personal org chart?

Get clear about what you really want in this life - personally and professionally - so you can build out the support you need to achieve it. Get clear on your core values, the impact you want to make, and the people and places you want to spend your time with.

A Life Vision Intensive is a 2-hour coaching session where we dive into what energizes you, brings you joy, and makes you feel fulfilled. I provide you a written summary of your Life Vision and your core values, and we discuss how to use this as a tool going forward.

You will be clear on what supports your success, what aligns with your values, and what is getting in your way of the life you want. Click HERE to schedule a free strategy session to further discuss how this can help you.

I've helped so many clients define their success and make changes towards a more fulfilling life. You don't have to stay stuck. I can help you too.

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