This is Your LIFE

Do what you love, and do it often.  These are the first two lines in one of my favorite poems, a poem that inspired me so much I feel compelled to share it with others.  As you capture the "fresh start" feelings of a new year, I encourage you to find daily inspiration to help you stay true to the promises you are making to yourself.

Find Your Inspiration

The poem I mentioned above hung as a poster in my office for many years (source - Holstee):

This is your LIFE.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like your job, quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop;
They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them
So go out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream and share your passion.

Every time I read it, I felt inspired, if only for a few seconds on those really stressful days.

Different lines would hit me differently depending on my circumstances.  Sometimes I would read a line and it would take my breath away, making me realize there was something in my life that I wanted to change.

I generally don't make bold, out of the blue, wholesale changes.

It takes me time to come around to new ideas and change.  

So when I quit my corporate role over 5 years ago, it wasn't some idea that had just hit me.  It was an idea that I had thought about many, many times - sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously - and most times not very seriously.

But the third and fourth lines in the poem - If you don't like something, change it.  If you don't like your job, quit. - those lines made my stomach feel hollow when I read them and I knew for a long time I needed to make a change.

It took me hundreds of times of reading this, along with so many other things over a long period of time to help me make that big decision.  A decision that looked like a bold, brave, big step to most outsiders, was in reality, a manifestation of years of tiny droplets of inspiration.

It was the same with our move from NJ to FL.  For many, it appeared sudden, but I had been dreaming about palm trees and warm weather for years, and the words "If you don't like something, change it" inspired me to make the move 2.5 years ago.

Find something that inspires you.  And read it EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Print out this poem and hang it up.  You can even order it as a poster.

Find something that reminds you of who you are, what you want, and your bigger purpose in this world.

Don't underestimate how the smallest things, done on a regular basis, can help you get where you want to go.

I share this to remind you that YOU ARE AMAZING. 

You have an opportunity to live your dream and share your passion.

And maybe it is hard to follow your passion, or to even find it. 

Don't let that deter you. 

Find the inspiration you need to keep you moving in the right direction.  Make sure it is part of your every day.  Nothing is too small.   

You DESERVE to enjoy this life you are working so hard for. 

So go and create the life of your dreams.

Cheers to sharing your passion,

Get Clarity on the Life of Your Dreams

Are you clear on the life you want to live?  Have you defined what success means to you in your life, family, and career?  If not, a Life Vision Intensive will help.  You will walk away with a written definition of what success means to you in all aspects of life and a path to achieve it with less stress and overwhelm.  I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms (including an empowered start to the new year).

Schedule a free strategy call to discuss how this can help you by CLICKING HERE.  Or check out the details HERE and email me to schedule.  

Start off 2024 with clarity, focus, and energy!  Invest in YOU and set yourself up for success.

Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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