The Magic of Friday the 13th

The Magic of Friday the 13th

Superstitious Much?

Friday the 13th is still better than Monday the whatever, am I right?  But there is something intriguing about it so let’s talk about what makes it a little “freaky”—remember the movie Freaky Friday? It’s the story where a mom and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies and lives. Overnight, they’re thrown into each other’s worlds, facing struggles they never really understood until they lived them.

While the movie is a fun, lighthearted comedy, it’s also a great reminder of how stepping into someone else’s shoes (or body!) can completely change how we see the world. The mom, used to balancing work, family, and endless responsibilities, suddenly finds herself in her daughter’s life—full of teen drama, friendships, and all the stress of high school. Meanwhile, the daughter, who thought her mom had it easy, learns just how much her mom carries every day.

Create Your Own Magic

By the end of the movie, their perspective shifts, and they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for each other. They didn’t need to swap bodies to care for one another—but through the experience, they learned the power of empathy.

What if you could swap lives, if only for a day?

We don’t actually have the magic to swap lives with someone else (as fun or terrifying as that might be). But if we could, we’d probably be a lot more understanding and kinder in our everyday interactions.

We’d see that everyone is dealing with challenges we know nothing about, even if they don’t show it. Maybe the colleague who seems distracted is balancing family pressures. Or the friend who seems distant is quietly navigating something heavy.

We each have our own battles, and the reality is that life is more complex than it appears on the surface. What we see in others is only a small piece of their whole story.

If we had a “freaky Friday” moment, we’d realize how much more is going on beneath the surface—and how much more we’d want to support and care for one another.

**I can admit this is really hard when someone is being a jerk.  Empathy isn't about excusing bad behavior or forcing yourself to put up with it indefinitely.  But it is about depersonalizing their behaviors and recognizing it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them.**

The good thing is you don’t need a magical body swap to practice empathy. It’s about being present and recognizing that every person you encounter has their own unique struggles and triumphs.

Whether it’s at work, at home, or in a random encounter, we can approach others with curiosity instead of judgment.  Think about what a difference that would make in your life. 

What if you replaced every judgment with curiosity?

As we move through this Friday the 13th (and beyond), we can take a page out of Freaky Friday. We can imagine, even for a second, what it might be like to step into someone else’s shoes.

What would their day feel like? What challenges might they be facing? And more importantly, how can we show up with more kindness, understanding, and support?

You have the power to make empathy a daily thing.

Empathy doesn’t have to be a “freaky” or once-in-a-lifetime thing. It can be as simple as listening more deeply, offering a kind word, or giving someone the benefit of the doubt. It’s these small moments of connection that make a big difference.

You never really know what someone else is going through. Be kind, be understanding, and when in doubt, channel your inner “Freaky Friday” mindset.

No magic required.

Cheers to a more empathetic world,

Get Clear on What You REALLY Want

Defining (and untangling) what you want in life takes time and focus, which are both hard to come by these days.  I can help you get clear on what you REALLY want and remove the obstacles in your way.  The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.

We can decide what next best step will help you get closer to reaching your year-end goals while living the life you really want (instead of the life you think you are supposed to be living).  I will leave you with one concrete action that you can take following the call.  And if you are still craving support on what living your life NOW means for you, we can discuss coaching options.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too.

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