Savoring Summer: Be Present

Savoring Summer: Be Present

You DO have enough time

As summer fades, don't get caught in the trap of "not having enough time".  Time scarcity (the feeling of not having enough time) is a mindset that increases anxiousness and steals joy from the present moment.  Instead, shift to Time Affluence - the feeling that you have more than enough time to do what you want.  Because whether you DO have enough time or you DON'T is all up to you.

Creating Time Affluence

The Vibe:   To be rich is to be rich in time, enjoy the present moment, and enjoy life.  When you prioritize the present moment and believe you have enough time for the most important things in life, you can more easily stay in the present moment and enjoy them.  

The Details:  Time affluence is a mindset that is rare these days.  Everyone is busy, no one feels they have enough time to fit everything in, and the end of summer can increase this feeling.

Some of you may be sad to see summer leave so you feel compelled to cram more into these last weeks, with good intent but the inability to enjoy it (because is coming to an end!)  Some of you may be looking forward to the energy of a new month/school year/season and are rushing through these weeks, totally focused on the future.

Either way - you aren't in the present moment, and this steals your ability to enjoy the HERE and NOW.  And your entire life is experienced in the HERE and NOW.

I agree that you may not have time to do EVERYTHING.  But you have enough time to slow down and enjoy the things that are most important to you.

Relationships.  Time in nature.  Connecting with a friend.  Having that conversation.  Asking for what you need.  Focusing on one thing at a time at work in order to complete it.  Preparing that meal.  Attending that class.  Saying yes to that experience.  Laughing at the little things.  Reading that book.  Restful sleep.

And if you really start to believe you have enough time and you let yourself focus on the moment you are in, HERE and NOW, you will enjoy it more fully, feel more satisfied, and reinforce the feeling of time affluence.

To Thrive:  Create a small and simple way to bring yourself back into the present moment.  It may be taking three deep breaths, a printed reminder (I have one on my desk that says BE. HERE. NOW.), or your phone wallpaper that says I HAVE TIME. 

Use your practice/reminder to ground into the present moment.  Remind yourself of your priority at that moment, and work to put the rest of your to-do list on a metaphorical shelf.  It will be there for you when you are done with this moment.

If your mind is too preoccupied, take 5 minutes and write out your list of things to do and then select your top 3 to focus on.  Include the feelings you want.  Not just "dinner", but maybe "being present with my family at dinner for at least 15 minutes". 

Easiest way to stay present?  Put your phone down.  Email, news, social media, your health app, your music, the weather forecast - it is all a distraction from the life in front of you, the actual HERE and NOW.

It is a useful tool for sure - but not when you are cultivating time affluence.  Your phone is a constant reminder of everything that isn't here and now.  It is the tool making you anxious, reminding you of everything you aren't doing, and reinforcing time scarcity.

But it is wrong!  You have the time to enjoy your life when you focus on YOUR life - instead of focusing on what the rest of the world is doing.

The point is to let go of expectations of what you should get done and be in the moment of what you are actually doing, right NOW.  Whatever these next few weeks bring, you can handle it.  You will get it done.  You have enough time.

So relax, take a breath, and BE. HERE. NOW.

Cheers to being time rich,

Creating Time and Space for YOU

You deserve a life you love.  I can help you gain clarity on how to enjoy life AND succeed, and the tools you need to make it happen.  Whether it is to better enjoy the present moment or to set yourself up for success for the rest of this year, I offer clarity sessions, consistent support, and accountability through several options.  Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session) and we can decide what's best for you.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want.  Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. 

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