Put Your $$ Where Your Vision Is

Put Your $$ Where Your Vision Is

Put Your Money Where Your Vision Is

You work hard for..........money.  Sure - you want to make a positive impact, helps others, feel a sense of purpose, and feel accomplished.  Those are all reasons too.  But ultimately, at the end of the day, you work to get paid.  And you use that money on all sort of things that do NOT make you happier or healthier.  Why???


Work is a means to an end - to earning money.  Money is also a means to an end - to provide food, shelter, and enhance our lives. 

Money by itself is useless.  You can't eat or have fun with paper or round metal coins.  Money's only purpose is to buy you things that you DO want.  

So if you are working so hard for your money, then you should ensure it is being spent on things that actually improve your life and support your vision.  Read it again.  Improve YOUR life and support YOUR vision.

Not someone else's vision, not what society tells you should have, and not what commercials advertise.  You should be spending your money on the things that actually light you up and bring you joy.

But sadly most people I talk to these days are working hard, feeling overwhelmed, and not enjoying life.  Most of these people are working hard for their money........and are still miserable.

So then why work so hard?  You can work a whole lot less and make a whole lot less and be the same miserable, with less stress and more time to yourself.  I know that sounds crazy (and I am not proposing this as a real solution) but think about it.

If you aren't purposefully aligning your purchases to things that bring you health, joy, or fulfillment, then you are just adding to the clutter, overwhelm, and overscheduling of your life.

You are working so hard to buy more things that give you MORE stuff to do and/or stress about!

It doesn't make sense.  Yet I've done it.  Most of us do it.  You work in an office so you buy nice office clothes and drive a nice car there and have a nice watch, jewelry, perfume, bag, shoes, and some fun electronics.

Then the pandemic hits and you are working from home painfully aware of how useless all this stuff is.  You recognize that it was only fun when you had someone else to wear it for.  Which means you were never really buying it for yourself in the first place, were you?

No.  You were working hard for money to spend on things to show others what you have.  Maybe not consciously, but at least on a subconscious level we are all meeting social norms.  And the social norm in this country is to buy new stuff as often as possible.

So what is my point?  I am not here to tell you how to spend your money or lecture you on your purchases.  You have the right to buy whatever you want. 

All I am asking is for you to take a step back and make sure that you ARE buying what YOU want because the stuff actually improves your life.  Not because it shows other people that you are supposedly thriving, when inside you are literally dying from stress and overwhelm.

Put your money where your vision is.

Create the vision for your dream life.  Get clear on what really energizes you and then work hard for THOSE things.  Don't work hard just for the sake of working hard.  Don't earn money for the sake of earning money.  Working and money are not the goals. 

Living a fulfilling, successful life full of love, joy and experiences is the goal. 

Love is the goal.  Kindness is the goal.  Leaving a legacy is the goal.  Improving the lives of yourself and others is the goal.  Self-sufficiency is the goal.  Freedom from self-imposed limiting beliefs is the goal.  Health is the goal.  Feeling ALIVE is the goal.

So analyze your expenses and put a + next to everything that brings you joy.  Real joy, not just "keeping up with the neighbors" type of stuff.  Then write down all of the things you want that bring you joy that you are currently not spending your money on.

Find ways to spend less on the things that add little value and more on the things that improve your life.  And if that means moving to a smaller home or car or not being as extravagant as your friends - that is ok.  If spending money on those things brings you joy - then keep on keeping on!

This isn't about judgment or being right vs. wrong.  Everyone's life vision is unique, therefore everyone's expenditures will be allocated differently to different kinds of things.

The purpose of this entire exercise is to intentionally put your money where your vision is.  Because if you are working this hard, you should be enjoying the fruits of your labor.

And for many of us, our money is best spent on mental health professionals, coaches, nutritionists, outsourcing of household tasks, experiences that create memories, spaces that help foster relationships, and things that free up our time and mental space.  

You hold all the power.

You go to work.  You earn the money.  You spend the money.

And you experience the life you create.

My wish is for you to create a life you love, not just endure.

Cheers to intentionally creating your life,

Not clear on your Life Vision?

I can help.

Get clear on what your dream life looks like so you can start aligning your work, actions, and finances with it. A Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values and define what a successful life looks like for you, personally and professionally. The investment is $299 (for a limited time before it increases) and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session). Resolve your curiosity and let's see if this is for you. Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them make decisions that are aligned with the life they always wanted.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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