It is Time.  No More Excuses.

It is Time. No More Excuses.


There will always be reasons why now is NOT a good time to go after what you really want.  But it is time.  Disruptions are more frequent, it is harder than ever to predict the future, and nothing is certain.  But YOUR life is moving ahead, whether you are in charge of the direction or not.  Be in charge of your life. Let go of the excuses and prioritize YOU.

Your Life is NOW

I read this online and it hit me (credit Jeff Brown, from his book Hearticulations):

"It has to end, you know.  The self-hatred.  The collective shaming.  The disdain for other.  The emotional armor.  The buried pain.  The displaced humans.  The misplaced kindness.  The repressed trauma.  The fake positivity.  The meaningless materialism.  The forgotten heart.

It has to begin, you know.  The self-love.  The collective healing.  The love for other.  The emotional release.  The liberated pain.  The welcomed humans.  The perpetual kindness.  The honored story.  The authentic feeling.  The meaningful purpose.  The open heart. 

It's time."

I couldn't agree more.

Many of us are still feeling a lack of motivation or a need for rest after the past few years.  The pandemic, the return to "normal life" and return-to-office mandates, inflation, a nasty and divisive presidential election, and now a non-stop doomsday new feed - it's been rough.  And if we're honest, we were all tired and stressed even before that.

So if you need rest, take it.  If you need motivation, seek it.  If you need community, find it.

Whatever you need, it is time to go after it. 

It doesn't have to be in an aggressive, exhausting way.  You can seek what you need by resting, meditating, listening to your needs.  The most important thing is that once you are clear on what you need/want, you take an action towards it.

Because the next year will pass whether you do anything for yourself or not.  And you will either be closer to the life you want or further away. 

Organizations are always talking about accountability.  They create goals and objectives and we get measured against them every year to determine our merit increase and/or bonus.  Many of you might be in that process now or just finishing it up.

But what is your personal process for establishing and measuring yourself against your goals?

How do you keep track of your dreams and whether or not you are getting closer to them?

I'm not talking about self-judgment.  I'm talking about prioritizing yourself the way you prioritize everyone and everything else.  

Right now, as you are reading this, open up a notebook or notes app on your phone and write down something you really want to accomplish.  Something that is important to you that you are tired of letting slip past you.  

Decide today that you are no longer taking a back seat to your own life.  Decide today that you are worth your own effort.  Decide today that your dreams are valid, and you deserve to take steps towards them.  

It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else.  It just has to feel good to you.

The time is NOW. 

Yes, enjoy the present moment.  Yes, enjoy your family.  Yes, enjoy the increase of light (we change our clocks in a week!) Yes, rest and relax.

And also get clear on what you want and take the actions needed to attain it.  

It is time to ask for what you need.
It is time to be your authentic self.
It is time to take care of your health.
It is time to let go of toxic relationships.
It is time to forgive.
It is time to start therapy.
It is time to join that class.
It is time to consolidate your debt.
It is time to make your vision board.
It is time to get involved in that cause.
It is time to let go of the guilt you've been carrying around.
It is time to have that tough discussion with your line manager.
It is time to have that even tougher conversation with your partner.
It is time to stop asking what's wrong and start asking what's possible.
It is time to give up your excuses and take back your life.


And I believe in you. 

I can help you clarify what you want and how to start.  This is the hardest part, so reach out and we can talk through your next steps.  Schedule a free call here.

Cheers to living your life NOW,

It is Time to Invest in YOU

I know it isn't easy to prioritize yourself when the world is so busy and demanding.  A clear plan with accountability WILL help you get where you want to go.  This is my expertise.  I've helped dozens of women clarify their goals and achieve them with more joy and less stress.

It's your turn.
Schedule a free call today to explore YOUR definition of success.  Click HERE.

I have a few openings left for coaching clients this quarter, so let's talk before this year disappears on us.  How are we entering March already?

Life is too short to spend it feeling stressed, overwhelmed and unsatisfied.  I've helped so many women improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to take one step towards the life of their dreams.  I can help you too. We will do it TOGETHER.

More Light. More Energy. More Hope.

More Light. More Energy. More Hope.

We are ALL going to die - so let's start LIVING

We are ALL going to die - so let's start LIVING