Extraordinary Life in Everyday Moments

Extraordinary Life in Everyday Moments

What does it take to live an extraordinary life?


But what?  That doesn't sound extraordinary, does it?  No.  It doesn't.  Yet it is true.  People always think to live an extraordinary life you have to take extraordinary action - something huge, daring, risky, even crazy.  But the one-time big events rarely make that significant of a change.  Maybe in the short term, but short term anything isn't really living an extraordinary life, that's just living an extraordinary moment.

It's Not the Sexy Stuff

*Sigh*.  After all the books I've read, experiences I've lived, and successful people I've studied, I've come to this conclusion:  If you want an extraordinary life, it takes extraordinary CONSISTENCY. 

It's not the big, flashy, sexy stuff that makes people's lives amazing.  Sure, there are big moments, and we should enjoy them:  the weekend away, the vacation of a lifetime, the big graduation or promotion, the risky job opportunity, the flashy car, etc. etc.

But when it comes to truly living an extraordinary LIFE (not moment), CONSISTENCY is the key.

  • In order to be a pillar of health into your 90s, you need to eat healthy and stay active consistently.

  • In order to obtain financial security, you need to save/invest consistently.

  • In order to reach the pinnacle of success in your career, you need to continuously learn.

  • To be a champion in any sport or hobby, you have to practice day in and day out for years.

  • To truly be an expert, you need to spend a lifetime studying your craft.

It is the little things you do every day that make your life what it is.  Choosing a salad over a cheeseburger for lunch one day isn't going to make a difference.  Choosing a salad everyday instead of a cheeseburger makes a huge difference in a year.  Imagine a lifetime?

Same with physical activity, curiosity, learning, reading, practicing, etc.

I don't know about you, but I grew up thinking that extraordinary people lived these crazy fun lives all the time.  They were constantly afforded good fortune and luck because of these outrageous one-time things they did.

And sure, maybe there are a few heirs of billionaires and a handful of outliers that had some weird stroke of luck.  But Jeff Bezos started Amazon in a garage and worked tirelessly day in and day out for years to grow it to what it is today. 

Olympic medalists spend years practicing every day for hours to reach their elite level.  The CEOs that are now legends spent years learning, growing, and working on themselves and their organizations, day in and day out, in order to reach that level.

My point:  It is really important to notice the small things we do every day.

Negative daily self-talk will destroy your confidence.  Positive daily self-talk can make you one of those extraordinary people that have a contagious positive outlook and love for life.

Making snap judgments and taking a negative stance on things regularly makes you bitter.  Staying curious and implementing a habit of asking questions regularly allows you to gain an extraordinary level of perspective of others and the world around you.

Spending what you earn each month lets you live.  Saving a healthy percentage every month builds an extraordinary retirement.

You get the point.

Think of one area of your life that you want to be extraordinary.  Or maybe not even that ambitious - just think of an area of your life that you want to improve and find one thing that you can be consistent on.

Just one thing.  Not a big, one-time thing.  Not deciding that you want to get healthy so you do a 5-day cleanse and then book a wellness retreat.  I'm talking about something you can literally do EVERYDAY. 

Maybe it's replacing your evening habit of chips with veggies.  (Not fun, not sexy, but effective if done consistently).  Or deep breathing for 60 seconds at the top of each hour.  Or stretching for five minutes each morning.  Or reading 10 pages of a book each night. 

In a week - eh - nothing to write home about.

In a year - you're going to see big differences.

Over a lifetime - now we are talking about extraordinary results! 

The kind that set you apart from the rest of us.  Why?  Because it is straight up boring to most of us to stick to that kind of consistency!  Or we get off track, or lose our motivation, or life just gets in the way.

And that is ok too.  I'm not aiming for perfection here.  Building a habit of how to get back on track is one of the most important skills you can create.  It often takes accountability and support - which I provide to my clients on a consistent basis over time through coaching.  Click here to learn more.

Bottom line - the difference makers in your life aren't the big things.  Comparing one life event to some other person's life event is pointless.  And comparing consistency is so darn hard because you need to wait a few decades to really see the difference.

So stop looking outwards.  Stop thinking that this ONE BIG THING is what you really need.  Stop the thoughts that EVERYTHING will be better once THIS BIG THING happens.  

Start focusing on the small, almost unnoticeable things that you can control and change.  Start today, build in your consistency, and watch your life become EXTRAORDINARY:)

Cheers to finding your consistency,

Let's Build Consistency Together

I help people stick with the things that improve their lives and careers.  It starts with clarity on what you REALLY want, and we create the habits needed to achieve it.  I follow up and keep it fun - just the right combo to keep you motivated without wanting to throw in the towel.  CLICK HERE to schedule a free call to explore how to create the consistency that will lead you to a life and career you feel excited about every day!  Who wouldn't want that?

BONUS:  Get a free month of coaching if you sign on before June 30th!  I'm offering my 6-month coaching package at my 2023 rates so that you can say YES to investing in YOU!  And you will get a 7th month free so that you can create a fun summer, fuel year-end success, and kick-off next year with clarity and momentum.   The first step is to schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE.  Don't delay!

I take pride in providing practical, actionable steps that work in your very busy life so that you can create work/life success on your terms.  Life is too short to stay stressed and stuck.  I've helped so many people reclaim their life.  I can help you too.

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