Create Your Compass and Find Your True North

Create Your Compass and Find Your True North

Find Your True North

Focus on where you are going, not on how much time you have.  Once you decide where you are and where you want to go, the path becomes clearer and your actions will get you somewhere.  If you keep worrying about having enough time to "do it all", you will stay busy doing a lot of things, but those things won't necessarily bring you joy, fulfillment, or success.  You must create and use your personal compass.

You Are Not Lost

Your inner self knows where it is meant to go.  Your outer self may be aligned with that, or taking as many detours as possible.

If you want to be successful and fulfilled in your life and career, you have to consistently have a good sense of 1) where you are, and 2) where you want to go.

It doesn't have to be a detailed map - but a compass with a true north.

What is your true north?

These are your values, your must-haves.  When you are going in the direction of YOUR true north, you are acting for yourself based on what you truly enjoy and value and not what pleases others.

For me, my core values are connection, personal fulfillment, financial security, and making a positive impact.  The things that are bring me the most joy are:  living a healthy, active lifestyle spending time outdoors, travel and experiences with my family, humor, giving back in a meaningful way, and meaningful, connected relationships.  When I am working towards these things, I am pointing to my true north.

If I start to feel lost, disconnected, or unsure of myself, I go back to these things and see where I went astray.  Life is always twisting and turning, and it can be easy to lose your way.

If you aren't clear on what your true north is, spend time journaling, meditating, or talking about what makes you intrinsically happy.  This process can take time, so let it.  But be diligent about it.

If you are having a hard time, I offer a Life Vision Intensive that will take you through a core values exercise and together we will determine YOUR definition of a successful, fulfilling life.  Schedule HERE.

The Life Vision process will help clarify where you want to point your compass and how to ensure you continue to move ahead in the right direction.

Knowing where you want to go is the only way to get there.  But knowing where you are right now is another important piece of this process.

Be honest with yourself on where you are.

Maybe you are the best at a certain skill at work, you want to be promoted, you've earned it, but they aren't giving it to you, so it is time to move on.  But maybe you are the best at a certain skill, but also need development in another skill that they are looking for before being promoted.

It is important to assess where you are realistically, and without judgment.  It is ok if you still need to develop yourself in an area - we all need to develop in something!  It is also ok if you have outgrown where you are and you are ready to move on.

You have choices.  You can use your power of choice to move in ANY direction.  They key is to use your power to move TOWARDS the life you want.

I have seen clients in many different stages of determining their Life Vision (compass), and it is always amazing how much of their power of choice they give away to others, most times subconsciously.

So many people do what (they think) is expected of them by their family, friends, colleagues, or society.  They work hard to meet so many expectations without ever deciding if they agree with those expectations in the first place.

So they are working hard but still feeling unfulfilled, restless, and exhausted.

This is a big world.  There are literally millions of choices you can make, millions of directions you can go in.  It is ok to circle and explore a bit. 

But don't spend your life constantly moving without getting any closer to fulfillment, joy, and success.  Move freely, but also in the direction of your dreams.

Find your true north, know where you are, and use your compass (your Life Vision) as your guide.

Life is too short to walk towards something that doesn't fulfill you. 

"Live your life by a compass, not a clock." ~Stephen Covey

Cheers to your true north,

Want a compass for your summer?

Join me and a fabulous group of women for a conversation around creating your stress-free, fun-filled summer! We will create space to think through what we love, what we want more of, where we want to go (literally and figuratively), and the things that often get in our way.

This is a stress-free, come-as-you-are virtual event on Tuesday, June 14th at 7pm. Click HERE to register!

Cher and Carolyn from Inspired Elephant bring Sister Talks to women every month, and this month I will be contributing to the conversation to help everyone get clear on what they truly want this summer and how to create intentionality and boundaries. Together we will create a game plan to achieve the ever-elusive Summer Bliss!

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Your Simple Summer Checklist

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