#1 Tip for Improved Wellness

#1 Tip for Improved Wellness

Health is Wealth

And the easiest way to wellness is to make it fun.  I know that sounds too simple, I know you want science and facts and nutrition and sleep advice and all the things that go along with wellness, and in a future writing I will detail all of that out.  But for today, consider making your wellness efforts FUN.  How?

Make It Fun!

Make wellness fun by reflecting on what YOU find fun.

What makes you feel carefree?  Who makes you laugh?  How do you show up for things when you are in a funny mood vs. otherwise?  

Get clear on what you find fun and then pair your wellness efforts with something that makes you smile and laugh.

Why is this such good advice?

Because then your wellness becomes self-sustaining.  We read so much about the difficulty of new habits, having grit, stamina, and needing to push through it all.

All of that is important.  It is needed in some cases.  But as you approach your wellness today, find one way to make it fun, and see how much easier it is to stick to.

Pair your water drinking goal with watching funny videos.  Make a stupid smiley face out of your rice cakes with peanut butter until it gives you a giggle.  Take a Zumba class with your favorite music and laugh at yourself while you mess up all the moves.  Bonus - go with a friend who isn't overly sensitive and laugh at their moves too!  

Invest in some witty workout t-shirts or socks that make you smirk every time you read one.  Food shop for healthier food blasting your favorite music in your ear pods.  Listen to stand-up comedy as you cook, maybe even mocking the pathetic looking broccoli that you will soon eat.  

Awkwardly high-five every person in your new workout class and watch each reaction until you find that one person who smiles and enthusiastically high-fives you back - this person can be your fun partner (and accountability partner) if you get to know them better!

Go back to your 12-year old self that ate too much sugar and try to remember what made you smile and laugh the hardest, and start there for inspiration.

I'm tired of the traditional, societal expectations that "real" success and "worthy" goals have to be hard to attain.  Sure, some are.  But why does everything have to be so serious? 

Why does supporting your mental, physical, and emotional wellness have to be hard?  It doesn't. 

It can be easy.  It can be fun.  But you have to change your mindset and really believe it.

Because it is our limiting belief that this stuff is hard that makes it hard.  If we believed it was easy and fun, we would find more natural ways to make it so, and then .........*presto*...... IT BECOMES EASY AND FUN!

So think about the people, things, images, stories, movies, songs, humor, landscapes, and activities you find fun, and tie one wellness routine to it.

My newest is sending and receiving hilarious videos with hilarious snapchat filters to my friend every morning to reinforce our intentions for the day, including our fitness and meditation routines that we are bringing forward from our recent wellness retreat. 

I literally giggle all day long thinking about the videos she sends me and each time I repeat my wellness mantra and remind myself to drink more water.  Not to mention the ab workout I'm getting with all of these laughs!

Sounds too simple, too wishy-washy, too "whatever" to be effective.  I know.

And yet every time I enjoy my routine, I stick with it. 

Believe what you want.  Choose hard if you must.  But I'm sticking with wellness as fun, and it is awesome :)

Cheers to finding the fun to your wellness.

What do you find fun?

Get clear on the things that energize you and make you smile so you can incorporate more of them into your wellness and success routines. Define what fun, fulfillment, and joy means to you in all aspects - your health, career, family, relationships, finances, and community.

A Life Vision Intensive will help you discover your core values, define what a successful life looks like for you, and how to use this information for your continued success both personally and professionally (including your wellness). The investment is $299 (for a limited time before it increases) and you can schedule it easily by CLICKING HERE (Choose Life Vision Intensive). For more information, CLICK HERE.

Want to talk it over first? Schedule a free, confidential strategy call by CLICKING HERE (Choose Free Strategy Session). Resolve your curiosity and let's see if this is for you. Former clients still reference their Life Vision documents years later and have shared how much it has helped them make decisions that are aligned with the life they always wanted.

Life is too short to keep putting off what you really want. Don't stay stuck feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsatisfied. I've helped so many improve their happiness, well-being, and success because they chose to schedule a call and take one step towards the life of their dreams. I can help you too.

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