Be 10% Happier

Be 10% Happier

10% Happier

I mean, sure, I'd prefer 100% happier, but in realistic terms, 10% is a great return on investment.  So what if I told you that investing 15 minutes a day would make you 10% happier?  This is exactly what Dan Harris (a former Type-A news correspondent) explains in his book: 10% Happier - How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, And Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story.  I highly recommend this book, but for those of you who prefer a summary, here it is:

The Secret Ingredient

So what makes you 10% happier?  Meditation.

Stay with me.....Yes you've heard of it before, and many of you claim you can't do it because you can't sit still or calm your mind.  

Guess what?  NO ONE CAN CLEAR THEIR MIND!!  Which is what I love about the book.  The author debunks the myths and helps you recognize that no one is good at meditation, especially at first.  And no one can entirely clear their mind. 

The purpose of meditation is to keep coming back to your breath (or mantra) over and over again when you inevitably lose focus.  The coming back is the exercise.  The coming back is the work.  The coming back is the whole purpose of meditation. 

And it really is that simple.  Sit down (or stand), close your eyes, and focus on your breath.  In and out.  That's it.  (I said simple - not easy - I recognize this isn't easy for many.)

When you continue this practice, you have the ability to respond instead of react.  You take back your power and decide who you want to be and how you want to show up, instead of falling into the same habitual reactions that have landed you exactly where you are right now.

Practicing meditation is similar to the gym.  At the gym the goal may be to lift 100lbs.  But the work is the many, many reps with weights that slightly increase over time to get you to your goal.  The repetitions are where all of the value is.  Lifting 100lbs once doesn't do anything for anyone.  Working at it day after day makes all the difference. 

Same with meditation.  All of the benefits come from the practice of coming back to your focus after your mind has wandered.  What are the benefits of meditation and how will they make you 10% happier?

The benefits include (according to the Mayo clinic):

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations

  • Building skills to manage your stress

  • Increasing self-awareness

  • Focusing on the present

  • Reducing negative emotions

  • Increasing imagination and creativity

  • Increasing patience and tolerance

  • Lowering resting heart rate

  • Lowering resting blood pressure

  • Improving sleep quality

And more recent neuroscience has seen gray matter in the brain increase in regular meditators, which is the part of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. 

The more you meditate, the healthier you become both physically and mentally.

But what about losing your edge?  You can't be successful (especially in a demanding career/business) and be a passive hippy in the corner closing your eyes with your legs crossed, right?

Right.  But here's the true and fun conclusion to the book - meditation sharpens your edge, not dulls it!  When you are communicating from a place of curiosity instead of defensiveness, you learn a lot more.  When you interact with people from a place of self-awareness instead of ego, you develop more meaningful relationships.  When you get quality sleep, you have more focus at work and at home.

And with all of those improvements, you progress in your goals.  You will progress in your career, your relationships, and in all areas of your life.

Meditation.  You CAN do it.  You just don't want to sit in the discomfort.  You're convinced you're "not a meditator".  You think it is hokey.  Or maybe you totally want to but can't seem to find the time.

I get it.  New habits aren't easy.  But they are entirely worth it.

ANYONE can sit with their eyes closed for 15 minutes.  Anyone can breathe.  And anyone can create a meditation habit for a healthier, more satisfied, and (at least) 10% happier life :)

You just have to want to.  And who doesn't want to be happier?

Cheers to your happiness,

Achieve Work AND Life Success

Career.  Family.  Success.  Take one hour for YOU and learn how to clarify what success means to you, identify obstacles, set healthy boundaries, and reclaim your joy in order to reach your goals.

Join me Thursday, April 20 from 12-1 ET for the Achieve Work/Life Success virtual workshop.  It is interactive, includes a workbook, and will leave you will actionable steps you can put into place right away.  This workshop is meant for individuals who are working hard but feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or unsatisfied with their current situation.  Don't keep putting off your happiness. 

Register HERE and start to enjoy this life you are working so hard for!

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